- Chapter 1 -

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Coach claps her hands, trying to get my attention on her again. I take my helmet off, running my hand through my hair. "Why can't you do it?" She shouts from the bench, she's not annoyed. I don't think? She's more frustrated knowing that one of her best players can't score a wrap around.

I groan as I skate back over to her, I've tried and tried but the puck just won't go in the back of the fucking net. Slap shots? Fine. One-timers? Fine.

Wrap arounds? Nope, can't fucking do it.

"It just won't go in." I tell her again, for about the tenth time today. I want to go home and get in my bed, I've been here for hours. My legs feel like they are about to drop off and my eyes are struggling to focus now. The lights reflecting off the ice kills my eyes, especially since I've been here since lunch at least.

My coach sighs slightly, rubbing her hand against her chin. "Alright, let's leave it today. We'll come back to this on Friday." Fucking lets.

"Alright." I walk towards the locker room and open the door, I'm on my own here. The team left at least half an hour ago, that means I can freely shower here. Not like I don't normally, but it's usually a quick rinse and go home to shower again.

I untie my skates and put them to the side along with all my other gear, that shit is heavy and it's a relief to get it off sometimes.

I step into the shower and let the water soak my hair and body, it's quite relaxing. I grab my shampoo of the nearby shelf and lather my hair in it. I should stay back more often, this shower is way better than mine.

I have about 20 minutes to leave, so I wrap up my shower and head back out towards my clothes. I didn't pack anything I normally do, usually I'd bring a sweater, jeans and knee-high boots. Today I brought a jersey from my favourite NHL team, the sharks. I'm originally from San Jose, I only live in Los Angles for work.

I do plan on moving back to San Jose when this season is over, there is a team that is interested in taking me. I have about 1 month till this season ends. I started looking at selling my house last week, I've been told not to finalise anything yet. Which is the pain in the ass, I want to be prepared.

I don't have time for distractions, I need my house sold and I need a house when I get there. I'm not going for in person showings, if I like something I'll buy it. It's not like I don't have the money.

I put my hair in a claw clip and repack my hockey bag with my stuff. I can't wait to get in my bed.


Twitter was going crazy this morning. The Sharks made a signing, from the draft. Usually I'd complain that it was a mistake, but the numbers the signing put up last season are amazing.

63 goals and 43 assists. I'm not complaining about that, at the AHL level that is really not bad.

I literally sent that to the best friend, we used to go to the same training camp when we were younger. We play together now, which at first we found weird that we both somehow managed to end up in LA. It works and we're happy.

I pick up my phone and dial her number, "What do you think about him?" I'm picking at my nails on my other hand while I ask her, "I'm not sure, he's a rookie."

She's not sure? The numbers are crazy, how could you be unsure about that. Surely we'd understand that more than anyone else? I mean if anything with those numbers, surely in two or three seasons he'll be a top point scorer. "Kayla, the numbers though. You don't see anything like that, I think he'll do well."

Xavier Rhodes, 17. The Sharks new right-wing forward. He's 19, like me. Which is weird.

"He's hot." She blurts out suddenly, taking me by surprise and I think it took her by surprise too. I don't think she meant to actually say that out loud. "Kayla!" I gasp and we both laugh. Of all the things to say, but she's not wrong. I can't wait to go home to San Jose and watch games in person. I wonder if he can do a wrap around.

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