- Chapter 2 -

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"Nope, not happening."

Her eyes widen, as she scoffs at me. "You're pathetic! You won't see this out? You're ending this now!" Marie is a royal pain in my ass, quite frankly I don't know why I let this go on so long.

"I won't see this out, now get out of my house." I gesture towards the door, getting an eye roll from her in response. Typical. "What did I do? Really." She says like she doesn't know exactly what she did. God, she's incredibly predictable.

"You cheated on me? Did you already forget that." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. She's stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. I don't know what's she's really doing right now, she just looks like a bitch. I mean she is so I'm not surprised.

Her hands move from her hips and she rubs the back of her neck awkwardly. "I didn't cheat on you, I was just.. experimenting." See? Absolute asshole, I don't know why I go out with girls like her.

"Experimenting? Seriously." I laugh at her, she however isn't very amused. She looks exactly how I feel, pissed off. Except she's pissed that I'm laughing at her while I'm kicking her out and I'm pissed because she cheated on me. "When do you ever here of 'experimenting' ever in a relationship?"

She glares at me, folding her arms over her chest. "Literally all the time! Hockey players do it all the time, who knows you could be doing it too." That's fucking rich.

"Get out." I demand now, I wasn't like this earlier but I would never, ever cheat on someone. Not like how my dad did to my mom. I would never do that.

"Please don't do this, you love me." She pleads, looking me straight in the face. I'm repulsed by her, she's disgusting. "Get out, now." I repeat, this time she knows for a fact that I mean it.

"Whatever, you won't find anyone else." She flips me off as she leave and somehow I really disagree with her. I think I'll have it pretty easy, it's never been hard before. Okay, that does sound a little cocky.

I'm not focusing on relationships anymore I really can't be bothered. It's not worth it.

Let's put it this way I'm only 19, why would I focus on girls anyways. I'm in a point in my career I definitely shouldn't be in for my age. I got insanely lucky, I know that. Which is why I'm going to focus, I have before obviously but with more focus I can do better.

Which is now something I'm determined to do.


For some reason I'm really going to miss playing in the minor leagues. Sure I'm excited to play in the NHL who wouldn't be. But the minors are so fun, I can check anyone I want just because they simply don't care as much.

Plus I'm not getting watched as closely by fans, therefore I don't have loads of assholes all over my twitter calling me out on the stupid shit I just so happen to do during games.

My penalty numbers say that anyways, what I take in penalties I make up in points. I've had the best season I've ever had, the fact that I'm going to San Jose to play for the Sharks is wild. My goal for next season is just to play well, this season it was to be one of if not the highest point scorer. I achieved that pretty easily and that is why I am where I am.

I'll have that goal again in a few seasons. I think highly of my ability but not that high to be a top point scorer at 19.

I have one game left and then I'm moving, thank fuck honestly. I'll be getting away from Marie, she's been following me around recently and it's so weird. I've had girlfriends before, none of them are like her. She's obsessive, I sort of knew that but it's so much worse now. Who would have thought an obsessive girlfriend would cheat? Didn't see that one coming. Then again who would see that coming?

I blame it on two things, one - she claims that she could do better every argument we had, which could be true. I'm not going to agree with her, am I? What would be the point. And two - I'm never around, I told her this when we started dating that I'd never be home. She accepted it clearly not as much as I thought.

As I'm heading to the car someone taps on my shoulder. "Xavier, wait please." She says, grabbing my arm harshly. "Back off. You don't get to touch me, not anymore." She looks hurt instantly, good.

Call me a prick, I don't really care. Don't cheat and I won't be an ass. I'll be an ass to most people actually so that's a lie. Let's put it this way it's easy to be an asshole to people then being fakely nice. Does that make sense? "Give me another chance, please? It was a mistake, I'll admit that." Did I say she was an asshole? Probably.

"Like I said literally last week, not a chance." I sigh at her. She's just so odd. No one follows me around, I could probably walk around like a normal person and be noticed like once or twice. That's only because I've signed officially in San Jose though.

She shakes her head, pouting at me. Like that's going to help her. "You're not hearing me out though, you've been ignoring me." She holds my wrist to stop me from walking away from her, she'd do this at home too. "Why would I talk to you? You've been following me." I point out, a somewhat shocked expression is now plastered all over her face.

"Following you? God, you think your a celebrity or something." She scoffs, like I'm kidding. My eyes widen slightly at that, "Are you kidding? You're always at the training rink when I'm there, you so happen to be everywhere I am. I was at the gym and you were there. I don't even go to that gym."

"Lower your ego, buddy." She says, brushing me off. Now I'm buddy? Okay, makes sense to say she wants me back. "You need to lower yours." I tell her and she looks offended, honestly I want know why because right now I really don't.

"I don't have an ego." Okay, whatever she says. It's gospel y'know she could start a religion on that.

"You're full of bullshit, y'know." I actually walk away this time because I am actually late for training now, so fun. Can't wait to get shouted at, again.

Both times just happen to be because of her, funny that.

"You are an ass!" She shouts, leaning against my car. I need to take that to be cleaned now.


"Hurry up, you're so slow today." I shout at Aaron, he's literally not paying attention. Again. He's zoning out a lot today. Weird.

"I've got a lot on my mind." I stay still so he can skate over to me, this will go over well with our coach. "Talk."

"Here?" He groans and I nod at him.

"Fine, it's your girlfriend." He says, resting his stick on ice upright, resting his hand on top of it. "Ex-girlfriend." I correct him and he just rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, anyways she came crying to me yesterday saying you hit her?" You have to be taking the fucking piss out of me. Surely no one actually believe that, especially him. He knows me well enough surely? "I hit her?" I ask him, almost sarcastically. Add that to the list of things I would never fucking do.

He shrugs his shoulders at me. "Supposedly. She had a bruise on her face. It didn't look right though." Fake bruises too? God I knew she was petty, not that much though.

I literally just roll my eyes, she's just full of bullshit. Quite frankly I don't know what she's achieving. "What's she achieving by saying that though, it's not like I'm just going to do what she wants?" I tell him, which I'm not lying. She can't keep walking all over me, knowing that she could single-handedly ruin my life.

He sighs at me, shaking his head at me again. "I don't know but you need to figure your shit out man, I can't keep helping her." I don't know why he helps her, she doesn't need help from him. A mental hospital maybe, but not him. "Then don't? I'm moving anyway just leave her alone, like I am." I tell him, shuffling backwards and forwards on my skates.

He tilts his head slightly in confusion. "That's easier said than done, no? Isn't she incredibly manipulative?" Maybe so, but it's easy to ignore when you could get away like I am. I guess that wouldn't be helpful to him though.

"Not really, it's only because I called her out for the shit she did." That part is true, I haven't really seen her being that manipulative to anyone else. They're the lucky ones, I guess.

"Fair enough."

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