- Chapter 18 -

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I have a game today, Sienna doesn't for the rest of the week. Lucky her, I mean not really she has planning to do so you can pick which is better.

She's coming to the game, she does whenever she can. However I have a really bad feeling about this game, we've been doing really well lately teams are constantly trying to get our players injured or try make sure we're in the penalty box as much as we can.

It doesn't help that we're coming to the Stanley Cup part of the season. If they want us injured they'll do it now.

"I don't know if I'll be able to make it."

I turn around to face her, she's on her phone. Presumably looking at her calendar or something, I don't really know.

"Oh? What's changed?"

"It's Kayla, she wants to meet with me to talk about the wedding and next season." She's been really about that lately, she found out that Kayla is signing for her team next season. Which means she'll be around a lot more, I'm so excited.

I'm really not.

I like Kayla, don't get me wrong but they're so weird together. That sounds really bad I just can't describe it at all.

"That late?"

"We're drinking." Ah. I nod at her and try to continue whatever I was doing. I actually can't remember what I was doing now, shit.

"Is that okay?"

"You don't need my permission?" I remind her, she has a habit of pushing like that. I don't need to give her permission to do stuff.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure." She says.


The game is going really well.

Well it's going well for the team as a whole but this may be the worst game I've had in years. My coach is getting visibly annoyed with me too. I've had multiple one-on-ones and not scored. I haven't got any assists either.

I've put a lot in the team, y'know. I think I can have one bad game, doesn't help my self-esteem though.

"What's happening?"

"I honestly don't know." You know when I said I had a bad feeling about the game, yeah well I definitely foreshadowed this.

"You need to get yourself together, I'll just have to bench you." Shit.

"Don't worry, I'll keep trying."

"You've got till the end of this period." I don't think I've played sloppily, just badly. Like I can receive passes and create chances. I just can't execute them right.

I focus on the ice, they're currently in our end which is stressful enough.

Where's my good luck charm when I need her?

Once the puck is iced I climb over the barrier onto the ice. I watch the other team closely as they discuss their game plan.

However they are highly predictable, I know who they're going to pass it to and what they're going to do.

They are going to do three things;

First they're going to win the draw - that is their hope anyways.

Then they'll pass it back to the defence which will bring it back to the blue line.

Finally they are going to pass it to their centre who's going to try slap it in.

Now it's my job to make sure this doesn't happen. I'm not defence but I can do it, I've done everything, at one point anyways.

Yes, I've even been a net minder. That however was for only one season, when I was younger around Summers age.

The whistle is blown which takes me out my train of thought. Everyone gathers around and the puck is dropped. Like I had anticipated they win the draw but since their plan is highly predictable it'll be easy to stop.

Hopefully I can get another breakaway from this.

I watch the defender get stationed at the blue line and I throw a clean hit on him. No penalty.

"What the fuck?"

"Clean hit, I can see what you're doing." He's in my face and I've noticed everyone stopping. This isn't going to end well.

I used to fight a lot more then I do now. My first season it kind of became my thing. Which obviously isn't a good thing as a player, for the fans who love it sure. Not for us it's not the reputation we want.

I calmed it down, not fully though. Need to keep myself and the fans entertained sometimes.

"You need to calm down, asshole." I tell him, shoving him.

"Yeah, fuck off why don't you?" He gets a hit around my face, which if I need to tell you is a very obvious penalty.

"That was stupid, huh?"

"You're an asshole." He shouts as he's escorted to the penalty box. That was fun.


I didn't get benched, I got an assist in the last minute. It was a risky play but we made it work.

That guy has had it out for me all period, still not over it I guess. I look over at the clock and we have just over 5 minutes left. That's plenty of time.

I need to score now, it's pissing me off that I haven't yet.

I have roughly 9 shifts left, that's if we don't go to overtime. We're up by one, I'm really counting on one of my chances going in. I think everyone is.

That is if this fucking prick will leave me alone. He's constantly blocking my stick so I can receive passes. If I thought Sienna was bad he's 100% more petty then she is.

It was a clean hit and he made a stupid mistake I honestly don't know what's up with him.

Once I get to take my shift I notice that the puck is flying over towards our bench. If I touch it now we won't get a too many men call. It's worth it.

I get the puck against my stick and start skating to the offensive end. This has to work, surely.

Just when I get to the blue line I can feel someone knocking me out of the way really harshly. Which to my disappointment does knock me over. I think I hit my head because I literally have no chance in moving right now.

My head is pounding.

I think I'm bleeding too, not from my head luckily, maybe it is? I can't really think straight right now. Trying to stay conscious is what I'm trying to do, even that seems impossible right now.

Then it goes black and I know I'm fucked.

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