first time seeing each other and after

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It was a rainy Friday night i was going home after a boring and a long ass day.

As i was driving my BUGATTI I saw something on the side of the road.

It was a table with his hand held up asking for someone to stop and drive him somewhere, ofc I'm a good person so i decided to help this random stranger out.

He was pretty sexy anyway.

I pull up next to him and he runs next to my window;
-hello ma'am, would u care to give me a ride, please?
He asks, i nodded and told him to get into the car

He got into the car and i asked him where he wanna go he looked me in the eyes and in deep deep voice said
-the local strip club.

I gasped GOD he was so sexy, he made me blush so much just by his eyes and deep voice. A sexy table...

I was driving him there and he looked at me and asked my name, i told him it's y/n, and he told me his "silly goof".

His name omg it's so sexy and so SEXY!!!

We decide to exchange numbers and meet up some day.

I really hope he texts me i wanna suck one of his little short legs.🥺


The next day he texted me and asked if i want to meet up in a coffe

Ofc i agreed he is a very hot table i can't disagree..

I went there and he already was waiting for me and he was wearing a suit while i was in a red dress (we were at Starbucks)

When i walked next to him he grabbed my ass and whispered to my ear" let's get some coffee and than go to my house,  bubby"

I was sweating from how close and how hot he was, i accepted what he said even tho I wasn't listening i was looking at his deep ginger eyes and at his bald weirdly woodly shaped head.

After we got the coffee we did as he said and went to his house  and we walked in he grabbed me and pushed me on the ground, i didnt move i was looking at him confused

He unzipped his pants and started Peeing on me(THATS SO HOT)

I stood up and started dancing in his pee, he watched me smiled and started laughing at my reaction of his peepee than i went home and everyone was staring at me


other day and as we walked into his house he pushed me on the ground again and peed on me again

It was so warm and fuzzy i loved it, i mean who wouldn't love that than he took a shit on the carpet and when his mom walked in he said that is the dog.

He's so funny right.

After we went to his room and he pushed me on the bed he sat next to me and started rubbing one of his hands on my leg we kissed

Than he kissed my ear and accidentally bit half of it off but i didn't care i love him besides it happened already.🥺

Than he grabbed my boobie and spinned it around until it exploded and than we had sex😏.

It was very fun and very enjoyable

table x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now