going to work 😏

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(It's been a week of us dating i got my boobie fixed up and my ear too)

it's a Saturday morning and i wake up, god im a mess i mumble to myself while i get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror.

My hair was messy and my socks must've slipped of while i was sleeping, I WAS BAREFOOT. I also had saliva on the side of my cheek.

I look at my phone ITS 8AM I'm late for work. i quickly wash my face, use deodorant and brush my hair, Now i only have to pick what to dress..

I hear a door bell ring. Who TF would ring my doorbell at 8AM?

I run to open the door and when I do i see a tall man in a suit holding a black box with the word GUCCI written on it:
-ma'am it's from your friend, silly goof.
The man said he wasn't even looking at me when he said it.

I took the box " thank you"I whistled while closing the door.

I guess I'll wear what's inside? I put the big box on the floor because oh.my.godness. it was big and my table was a mess.

I open the box and see a note written on a paper that was inside the box and the paper was pink and had roses ON THE PAPER.

"Hello pumpkin,
It's me your beloved silly goof.
I know you probably are running late to work so i got you this dress, u wouldn't have to worry about what to wear bubby.
My worker is waiting for u outside in a car he's gonna drive u to work don't worry about anything just try not to be late next time.

Oh and i also made your last job fire you and now you're working in my business. I'll be gladly waiting for you in 6969 office room Angel pie. "

God i blushed while reading this. This hot daddy table silly goof notey...........

After I read it i removed other paper that was under the note and i saw a mulberry silk hand made dress. It was stunningg.

I put it on and went outside to see a car waiting for me and the same guy with a suit he was holding me breakfast from Starbucks"A Venti Mocha Cookie Frappuccino with 77 shots of espresso and several different flavored drizzles" and a cookie and a piece of pumpkin pie and a sandwich.

I sat into the car and ate my food while driving there. When we arrived i got out of the car and walked inside the building.

The man in a suit led me to my office room which was 6969 69th floor.

when I opened the door i noticed..
silly goof....

To be continued 😏😏

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