an other day

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-Y/N pov:-

I woke up at his house today in his giant bed
It was so big that it looked like 15 me could fit in here keep in mind im. Very. Tiny.

today was a weekend but where was my little fart?

I got out of bed put on a long shirt and shorts i walked out of the room and into the kitchen and i saw my farty puffy cooking me breakfast ❤️❤️

-hello punkie how are u bubble fart?-
He said flipping the eggs in the pan in a flirty voice
-im okay daddy-
I answered to him
-what plans do we have today papi?-
I asked my bubble fart

-Yes we have plans but it's a surprise-
He answers while putting the eggs on the table and looking me in the eyes whit a smirk 

Than he took something out of the fridge and put spilled it on my eggs.

-special I sauce only for you bubba.-
He said

The sauce was white and sticky i wonder what it was?

As i was eating he got a phone call,silly goof excused himself and went to answer it in an other room.

After i was done with my eggs which was 10mins later he stormed into the room gave me a kiss on the forehead and apologized saying he has to go because of special work stuff.

I was sad but also not really i got someone else i can spend time with too, we said our goodbyes at the car cuz i went home while he was driving to work.

But was he?

-Silly goofs pov:-

An other day. I woke up early today and i noticed that y/n was next to me in my bed.
So i decided to make her breakfast.

I was scrambling those eggs when she came in with my shit and shorts on

I gave her the eggs and got her a special sauce.

After that i got a call from an "unknown" number it wasn't actually unknown i knew exactly who it was .

I went to an other room and answer the one it was one of my side kicks.

-hey silly goof!-
A women yelled from the phone
-hi bubu bear, what do u want-
-thats such a silly question daddy.-
I got hard from her saying that.

-why don't you come over and we have some fun?-
She told me that
-okay maid mommy,I'm gonna pee on you Maria.-

I hung up and decided to lie to y/n i told her that i got work problems and i have to go. The timing was great she was finished eating and we both were ready to head out.

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