All Over YouTube

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While sitting between Sam and Tory, Aisha opened YouTube on her phone, and blinked a little when she noticed a video titled "High School Bully Gets Front Wedgie". Curious, she tapped the "Play" button, and was surprised at seeing said bully was Kyler Park getting a front wedgie, and at the hands of none other than Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz too.

Aisha couldn't help laughing right then. Her laughter caught Sam's and Tory's attention.

"What is it, Aisha?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, what's so funny?" Tory wondered.

Aisha grinned before showing them the video she'd been watching. "Look for yourself."

When Sam and Tory saw Kyler's embarrassment as a result of the front wedgie and realized what it was Aisha had found so humorous, they instantly saw the funny side and began to laugh as well.

"Sure serves Kyler right for getting everyone on board over slut-shaming me with that disgusting rumor about what he thinks happened between himself and I in the movie theater," Sam remarked right then, tears of laughter falling down her cheeks at Kyler's humiliation.

Feeling their guilty consciences kicking in, Aisha and Tory exchanged nods of agreement at Sam's words. Now, besides wishing they hadn't taken Kyler's side, they also wished they'd decided to find Sam and ask her what really happened in the movie theater between her and Kyler.

"Oh, Sam," Tory sighed, sounding contrite for once, "you're right. I shouldn't have listened to Kyler's lie in the first place, and I should've asked you for your side of what really happened between you and Kyler in the movie theater."

Aisha nodded. "Me too." She lowered her eyes a little before looking back at Sam. "And I'm also sorry for not only choosing to believe Kyler over you, but also shunning you when I refused to let you sit with me at lunch after you'd been kicked out of the popular group too."

Sam gave them each a smile. "It's all right, you guys. I forgive you." Pausing, she then added, "But look on the bright side."

"Really? What?" Aisha and Tory chorused. 

"At least now Kyler finally got his," Sam nodded. "Now he's the one who will hopefully understand how I felt when he caused me to become an outcast by having to experience it himself."

"Yeah," Tory stated. 

Aisha nodded. "You know, as you, Tory and I know quite well, what goes around comes around. Kyler had it coming for what he did to you."

There was a bit of truth in Aisha's words, as Sam and Tory knew she was right; Kyler having to experience being an outcast as a result of the front wedgie he'd been given was a good comeuppance for his spreading that rumor about Sam having gone down on him in the movie theater (when she'd actually stopped him from groping her and busted out a karate move on him for good measure).

What goes around comes around.

And that was quite true indeed — no matter what a person was like personality-wise.

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