New Years Kiss

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Everything was far too loud. The speakers were blasting music in such a volume that if you were to want to say something, you'd have to yell, and because of that, everyone was yelling, which just increased the amount of noise. There was singing, shouting, cheering, chanting, and pretty much every other possible noise that humans could make in this stupidly expensive house at this stupidly expensive new years party.

Said expensive house was filled to the brim with people. So many people that you wouldn't even be able to walk two paces forwards without bumping into somebody or having to push them out of the way. Despite this, said people looked like they were having the time of their life.
There were people drinking, people smoking, people snorting questionable things that were almost definitely not legal, people dancing, people making out, people.. You get the idea.

In short, it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves. Everyone except for one person.

This one person was standing in a corner, as far away from everyone else as possible, just wishing he could leave already. The party had already lasted a while—maybe an hour, maybe four—and Scaramouche was sick of it. He never wanted to go in the first place, but his roommate had told him that if he came along, he wouldn't have to wash the dishes for a week, and who would choose to miss an opportunity like that?
Anyway, originally, Scaramouche was intending on just hanging around his roommate and not socialising with anyone at all, but the last time he'd seen said roommate earlier on in the night, he was smoking a joint while chatting up some guy in a strangely slutty shirt.

So yeah, not wanting to be the third wheel, Scaramouche had just left them be, instead retreating to his corner. He had just gone on his phone at first, mindlessly scrolling for nearly an hour while trying to block out as many outside sounds as possible, which went surprisingly well. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and just as the clock was nearing the quarter-to-twelve mark, the '20% battery remaining' notification showed up in the middle of his phone screen. With a groan that was basically silent compared to the noise around him, he pocketed his phone, before standing up straight, quickly looking around the room for some escape.

Without his phone to distract him, he had been presented with two choices: stay inside, or leave. Naturally, he chose to leave, forcing his way through the crowds and shoving people aside as he walked to the nearest door that he knew led to the balcony. It wasn't a full escape, but right now, he just wanted some fresh air, and this was the best way to get it.

Upon reaching the door, Scaramouche grabbed onto the handle, tugging it down, before realising it was locked. Thankfully, the host of the party, Signora, had given him a set of keys many months ago, so with the help of them, he managed to open the balcony doors, immediately shutting them behind him as soon as he was through.

The first breath of fresh air in hours immediately helped most of the tension that had built up over the night leave Scaramouche's mind and body, and he found himself able to partially relax now that the noise of the party was mostly muffled. That was, of course, until he noticed that the balcony was apparently already occupied by a certain ginger. "..Childe.?"

The fact that Childe was out on the balcony, alone, was a huge surprise to Scaramouche. Childe was the kind of person that he expected to be in the middle of the party, either being the centre of attention in a drinking game, or making out with someone in a corner. Out of all the things he could be doing, why would he be out alone?

Childe obviously did hear Scaramouche, and turned around, running a hand through his already messy hair with a slightly awkward smile. "Oh, my friend kinda... ditched me. I was hanging out with her for most of the time, but just five minutes ago she left. Said she had to take her brother home. He drank too much, apparently."

With a small shrug, Childe leaned backwards on the railing, having more faith in it that Scaramouche ever would. If he did that, he'd be secretly terrified that it would break and he'd plunge to his death. Maybe it was that subconscious fear that caused him to take a step further away from the door, and slightly closer to Childe. "Same with me, funnily enough. Except my friend didn't go home. He's probably off fucking this guy he was flirting with earlier on."

"Damn." That was all that Childe said in response, before falling silent, though after only a few seconds of nobody talking, he opened his mouth again, this time with a small smirk on his face. "So no new year's kiss for you?"

Scaramouche couldn't help but scowl at that, folding his arms and staring Childe straight in the eye. He couldn't believe the audacity of this bitch. Just as he was starting to act slightly tolerable and maybe a bit relatable, he just had to go back to his arsey personality. "Could say the same for you."

Even more irritatingly, Childe didn't snap back, only slightly raising his eyebrows before taking his weight off the railing, taking a few steps away from it so that he was barely a metre away from Scaramouche. "It doesn't have to be like that."

It took Scaramouche a few seconds to process what Childe had said, before he got the sudden uncontrollable urge to punch him in the face. Thankfully, he managed to use what little self control he had to just step forwards the slightest bit closer instead of actually hurting him. "Oh, you wish."

And then, causing Scaramouche to get even more pissed, Childe fucking laughed. His expression widened into a stupid grin, looking so confident and cocky in himself that it took even more self control to not punch him in the face. "I'm just kidding, don't take it so seriously!"


Scaramouche couldn't decide whether to continue looking up into Childe's eyes or turn his head to look away, so instead he just let his head fall slightly down, though keeping his eyes focused at a similar spot to before. He just stood like this for a minute or so, not wanting to start a conversation, but not wanting to leave either, before he noticed Childe step closer to him, bringing them both to be just over a foot away from each other. Only then, when he opened his mouth to speak, did he realise that the whole time they were standing there, he had been staring at Childe's lips.

His heart was pounding in his chest so loud he could hear it as he started to notice the background noise from the party turn into synchronised counting down.

Ten. Despite all the voices in his head screaming for Scaramouche to look away, he stayed there, his gaze trained on Childe's lips. Nine. After a second, his eyes flicked up to meet with his again. Eight. Childe didn't look away. Seven. He'd never realised how beautiful Childe's eyes were until now. Six. Scaramouche let out a breath he had no idea he was even holding, trying to somehow calm down how quickly his heart was beating. Five. Childe tilted his head in the slightest, barely a fraction: A question. Four. In a just as small movement, Scaramouche nodded: An answer. Three. Childe hesitantly raised his right hand, before gently taking a hold of Scaramouche's chin. Two. Scaramouche let his eyes close, leaning his head upwards.
One. Their lips connected.

Scaramouche could barely hear the cheers and shouts of 'happy new year' coming from inside the building. All he could focus on was Childe. After a second or two, he brought his own hand up to rest on his waist, keeping the hold on him as light as possible. The kiss was gentle, unlike any he'd had in the past. There was no rush, no tongue, just their lips against each other in a feather light touch.

After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only a few seconds, Scaramouche felt Childe pull away, and opened his eyes. Childe had kept his hand on his chin, keeping their faces in such close proximity that Scaramouche could feel the heat of his breath on him. After another few seconds of silence, he opened his mouth to speak in what was barely a whisper.

"..Happy new year."

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