2: I Have.. Powers?

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~Minhee's POV~

What just happened?! I got hit by a bus. And survived! With nO INJURIES!! Oh my gosh, I split a bus in half! How did I do that and why did it feel.. good? I feel.. powerful almost. Like I woke up from a long nap. This is so weird.

As I look around I realize that I'm not alone in standing here. There's 2 guys infront of me, who apparently have been talking to me.

"Miss? Hello? Are you okay, were you in that bus?" A blonde guy in a blue suit says to me. Next to him stands another guy with black hair who has on a green and gold.. costume?

"I'm surrounded by idiots," I hear the green costume dude mumble, "If you were hit by a bus thrown by my oaf of a brother would you be okay, Captain?" He questions sarcastically.

The question makes "Captain" pause for a moment before giving costume dude an annoyed look.

"Is your sarcasm really necessary right now? I'm kinda in the middle of something." "Captain" retaliates.

"Oh pardon me, I didn't mean to get in the way of you saving lives Captain. Obviously this woman needs your help as she couldn't have possibly used her own magic to save herself." Costume dude replies while rolling his eyes.

"Magic? What 'magic'?" Captain asks. Again, costume dude rolls his eyes but this time he adds a hair flip.

"She got hit. By a bus. That bus is now laying in 2 pieces and she's unharmed. It would be incrediously naive of you to think she doesn't have magic." He says slowly as if he's talking to a child.

Finally, I decide to step in.

"Uh hi, I'm right here you know. And I can very much hear you." I speak up.

Captain looks at me and sighs before saying, "Right. I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer shortly. These dudes are weirding me out.

"Alright, well can I get your name? I just need if for the official report and then you can be on your way. You might want to stop by a hospital though" Captain warmly smiles.

"Uhmm.. Park Minhee. What exactly are you reporting?" I ask slowly, feeling more confused then ever. What report is he talking about? Is he a cop? Does America make their cops dress like this? No wonder they hate their jobs. I would to if I had to dress like that.

Before Captain gets a chance to answer my question, costume dude asks me a question.

"Park Minhee you said? As in owner of Midtown School of Science and Technology?" Why does he know me? This keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"Yes.. that's me." I reply.

"Hold on, you know her Loki?" Captain asks costume dude (apparently Loki)

"You don't? She's the owner of the school the boy goes to. Do you not do your research on where you're sending him?" Loki asks accusingly.

"Woah woah woah, how was I supposed to know that? Tony's the one who handles everything!" Captain defends himself.

"Who's Tony?" I ask curiously even though it's really none of my business.

"Uh.. no one. You're free to go miss Minhee. Make sure to stop by a hospital okay?" Captain says as he and Loki walk off.

That was such a weird interaction. I begin backtracking to get my suitcase but when I turn around I see Jaeyun staring at me. Uh oh. I forgot he was there. I quickly walk over to him and the first thing he says is, "You have powers."

How do I cover this up?

"Huh? What are you talking about? No I don't." I lie.

"Yes, you do. I literally just saw you get hit by a bus and split it in half! Ohh, Jay is going to freak when he hears this." Jaeyun smiles.

"Stop assuming stuff you jerk. I didn't split the bus in half okay? That guy in the blue suit? He stopped infront of me and did that. He saved me." I'm honestly impressed and terrified of how easily I came up with that lie. Seems like Jaeyun believed it though.

"Hmm alright then. Jay is still gonna freak." He says smirking.

"Don't!" I say, grabbing on to his wrist. I quickly let go. "Don't tell Jay."

"If you don't have powers, then what's the big deal about Jay knowing?" He asks, still smirking. Smug piece of crap.

"Uh how about the fact I almost got hit by a bus?! Jay will never let me out the house and you know it!" I yell at him.

After some silence Jaeyun asks, "What's in it for me?"

"Look," I say as sternly as possible, "I can't trust you to keep your mouth shut since your such a selfish jerk, so I'll make you a deal. If you don't tell anybody about anything that happened right now, I won't tell anybody about how you kicked me out of your car and tried to overpower me but got your butt kicked by a girl." I finish innocently.

"But I didn't kick you out or try to overpower you! You're lying!" Jake accuses me.

"Well, I guess we both believe the other did something they didn't then." I retaliate smiling.

Jaeyun narrows his eyes at me, "Fine. Deal. We never speak of this day."

"Deal" I reply.

~Timeskip To The Enha House~

As soon as we pull up to the house I see the door swing open and hear someone shout, "They're here!!"

I get out the car and am immediately met by a hug from Sunghoon.

"Minhee! You're finally here! The boys are very excited to have you here." He finishes, slightly giggling. This also makes me giggle.

"Of course they are oppa! It is very exciting to have the Park Minhee loving with you! I'm awesome!" I reply.

"You've been spending too much time with Jay," He sighs, "Come on, let's go inside so you can say hi to everyone."

That is all. I hope you enjoy this and if you did, please leave a comment saying what you liked about it. If you didn't like it, also leave a comment telling me what you didn't like about it. Please vote and comment. Amd remember don't just have a good day/night, have a great day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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