Chapter 4:Humiliation

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I turned around to see the jerk that held me and the only word that escaped my lips were,


I was mesmerized by his handsomeness, he had blue eyes that was as bright as a sunny sky. I didn't notice that I was staring into his eyes when he gave me a cold remark.

"Next time you bump into me, you gonna regret it. Before I forget stop staring you look creepy as fuck" was all he said to me before he left with his friends. He didn't give out any emotions while his friends were amuzed by the little act he had performed in front of them.

I was dumbfounded. I kept on staring at his back till I couldn't see it anymore, I have never been humiliated like this except in 7th  grade when I told a boy I liked him. And I told myself I'll never be humiliated in my life again but here I was standing in the hallway of Eastern Oaks High humiliated again. I didn't even realize I was still glued there till a girl walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Bianca, nice to meet you" offering her hand for a hanshake.

"Hi I'm Kloe" was all I could say.

"First off, I'll advice you to stay away from Ethan Knight to avoid been humiliated like this again."

"Who said I'm humiliated." I said trying to cover the embarassment on my face.

"Girl, anyone from afar can see the humiliation written over. Just avoid Ethan."

"So that's his name, Ethan right?"

"Yeah duhh, I've said it like twice now. I can see you are a new student, I don't mind showing you around, I just started some days ago." All the while Bianca was talking I wasn't listening I was just focused on Ethan. How will someone help you and talk to you rudely the next day? Bianca slightly tapped me before I woke up from the trance I was in.

I just replied her with anything that entered my head." Yeah sure, lead the way." We walked into a classroom, I noticed that everyone had seats and I decided to go to the back end of the class to take the empty seat available while I was try to be comfortable a guy called to my attention.

"Psst, that's Ethan's seat and no one absolutely no one is allowed to sit on it" he said.

"Wait, do you expect me to stand up?" I said with a little laugh escaping my lips.

"You heard the guy, so do what you are expected to do!" I was startled because I did not expect Ethan to be there and he also answered the question I referred to the boy. The boy quickly turned around because everyone was scared of Ethan.

"And was I speaking to you?" I gave him a rude and irritated look. I could see his jawline tighten as he was trying to supress his anger.

"I'll say it for the last time, do what this kind young man said to you." He said without even looking at the boy.

"And what if I don't want to?" I looked at him with a questioned look and crossed my legs to set it on the table.He was about to walk out of the class when he turned with his head slightly above his shoulders.

"You made a bad decision princess." Before he walked out of the class.

"I'm such a dumbass!!" I said to myself,  instead of thanking him I'm creating problems with him.

A/N: What do you think of Ethan and Kloe? Do u like Bianca cause she like my second best character. I can't wait to explore her further.Stay tuned.

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