Chapter 9

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I'm 13 weeks pregnant.

Our last appointment had come and gone, and everything was healthy. I was starting to have to take certain tests, but I didn't care as long as it was all fine. Hormones were crazy as usual, and my body was getting more and more achy. My birthday dinner was in a few days, and I was nervous. Finals were next week, then I could just focus on the baby. Luckily, I only had 2 exams, and a paper.

I was sitting on the couch working on my paper so I could get it done and over with. I was eating carrots with peanut butter, my current craving. The lock clicked and  Dane came in, looking really happy.

"Guess what?" He sounded excited, taking his shoes off and coming towards me.

"What?" I asked, closing my laptop to focus on him.

"I got promoted!"

"Oh my god! That's great!" I stood up to hug him.

"The hours don't change luckily, but the pay and benefits do! I thought maybe we could go out for dinner to celebrate, if you're feeling up to it," he looked down at my stomach and back up to my eyes as he said that last part.

"I am, I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you Y/N, I'm going to take a quick shower, and we can go in a little bit," he said as he kissed my lips and walked to our bedroom down the hall.

I cleaned up the mess I made and worked on my paper until I heard the water turn off. I took that as my cue to start getting ready. I walked into the room to find a half naked, dripping wet Dane, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Where do you want to go?" He was looking in his dresser, not noticing me staring. "Y/N?" After I didn't reply.

"Hmm?" I came back to reality to find him smirking, walking towards me.

"You're not very good at hiding that," he said, getting closer to me. I felt my cheeks flush. We were now inches apart. He leaned down to start kissing me, with his hands on my waist. I put my hands around his neck, pulling away after a few minutes.

"I can't help it," I said smiling.

He laughed, "you think it's easy for me? You're glowing." He kissed me one more time, and walked back to the dresser.

"Let's go to (random restaurant name)," I suggested, walking into the bathroom.

"Sounds good," Dane was changing when I walked out. I was wearing only underwear and a bra. I felt his eyes on me as I walked into the closet, but didn't think much of it considering the conversation we just had.

I was holding a sweater and jeans when I came out of the closet. Dane was sitting on the bed waiting for me, still staring, smiling now too.

"What, you creep."

He got up and walked toward me, taking the clothes out of my hand. He grabbed my waist and guided me toward the large mirror, and turned me so I was sideways.

"You see that?" He nodded to the mirror.

"See what?" 

He put his hand on my stomach, and I saw it. He moved his hand away when he noticed my eyes widen. There it was. Small, but noticeable when uncovered. 

A bump. 

I had a bump. 

I looked back at him when he put his hand back on my stomach.

"I guess we're celebrating something else now too," he leaned down to kiss me, and handed me my clothes.

"I think I might need to get some new clothes soon," I said struggling to button my jeans.

Dane just watched me, still smiling. He walked over to me while I was brushing my teeth, and pressed his front to my back, rested his chin on the top of my head, and just kept his hand on my stomach.

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