Chapter 2

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    Red Lanterns filled the busy streets of night market, it's lively light was pleasing to the eye as it perfectly contrast the ink night sky. The breeze miraculously  have it's own warmth, making the place  seems a haven for the living, the lively chuckling and talks drown the sound of footsteps quietly making their way to the very heart of the bustling city.

We lost track of the intruders, My Lord.
      A man covered in black from head to toe was respectfully speaking with a bowed head to the clad in Red sitting in a distance away from him.

The other man was lazily building a palace made of gold foil.

You already know what to do...
     He spoke not too slow nor too fast, his voice was cold enough to sent shivers to people and ghost alike.

Yes, My Lord
    The man immediately blended into the night..

The wrath butterflies also lost them...
     As the clad in red thought this, the already finished castle crumbled.

The man's lips soon form a smile, while looking at the ruined castle.

Let's see who will hunt whom.
    He mumbles....

3 days earlier......
      The Shangyuan Festival being held on the 15th day of the first Lunar Month was  differently celebrated by the heavenly official.

There was no longer an official ranking on whom will get the first top 10 position as for the past years that they had tried to bring again the liveliness of the said festival the gap between the first place and 2nd place was getting bigger to the point that those officials will find it a slap in their face when they occupied the top 9.

Xie Lian ,  since that consecutive years that Hua Cheng throw a bomb of lanterns much more in numbers than his first 3000 Lanterns. Celebrated the festival without visiting the heavenly  capital for fear of having to see the understanding nods of each officials everytime he claimed the top spot. Well Xie Lian really doesn't mind that though  but, he can't just turn a blind eye to Hua Chengs indiscriminate throwing of money.

It's been a while...
    Across from the table, a familiar voice sounded.

It was Fen Xing, after the incident at Mt. Tonglu, their relationship became much more better. The one sided awkwardness brought by guilt or what so feeling was finally settled.

Xie Lian smiled at his greetings.

Your Highness...
     Opposite and away from Feng Xin was Mu Qing, from the two of them he was the most duplicitous, of course in a good way.

Long time no see, General Xuan Zhen.
    Xie Lian greeted.

Its only been half a decade since Jun Wu lost the title as heavenly emperor. There's also no big incidents that needed the heavenly official's personal intervention, specially because of Crimson Rain sought flower who was now the big boss of Ghost Realm, He Xuan was so silent for the past years like he didn't even exist, ofcourse there will always be foolish Ghost and human alike who are bold enough to act arrogant, but they are immediately silence or rehabilitated.

Xie Lian walks towards the seat designated for him , it was on the right side of the newly elected emperor. Yup they do it with democracy.

The MG emperor have arrived .
      The attendants voice echoed as all the focus of the table shift towards the entrance.

It didn't take long before a handsome and tall young man, clothed in black and gold occupied their sight.

All of them stand up and Greeted the person, now sitting in the pinnacle of power.

After all the necessary formalities have been done, the air around them become more lively.

You left You're Crimson Rain alone in this cold night?
    Pei Ming , The new Emperor of the Capital ask full of Curiosity. His voice is low enough for people with enhanced senses to hear.

Xie Lian chocked on the tea he was drinking, luckily he only just took a sip.

Cough... Cough... I..I will ofcourse never leave him alone...
      Xie Lian never expected that Pei Mings first words to him at the table will be like this...

With his answer.... Some official's seems to also have a coughing fit.

Ehem.. what I mean is.,I will not stay for long
      He immediately added.

Why not stay longer, it's not that the emperor is driving you away.
      Qi Yi, just sitting right beside him replied.

This Kid...
  Xie Lian have no idea that he will experience such a headache upon coming here.

He's right..
    Pei Ming said with a mischievous smile in his lips.

Your Highness, The emperor is acting like this because since he sat in the throne, He was no longer have the freedom nor time to play around.
     Ling Wen sitting opposite Xie Lian belatedly sold the head of the table.

It Hurts...
    Pei Ming playfully put his hand just above his heart, while acting like he was really in pain.

With the emperor as easy going as Pei Ming, the table undoubtedly became much more alive with talks regarding different gossips and tasks they accomplished for the lasts year.

Amidst the warm atmosphere surrounding the area of celebration, A number of place in the mortal realm was being colored by blood. The perpetrators are fast and strong enough to move unnoticed. By the time the darkness was swept away by the sun, It will be the start of a new Disaster that will slowly devour the already peaceful 3 realms.

End of Chapter 2..

   I've already read this novel's extra and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember MTXT ever mentioning who occupied the position of the emperor. So  I give Pei Ming that title because I think among the other officials ,he was the most deserving one.. and also by the end of the novel I felt that Pei Ming learned a lot.


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