Chapter 6

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- Because I too was being confuse, thoughts are italicized- 🦋

There's a saying in the mortal realm, that any family conflict can be solve at the dinning table.., and so the people, well not really the one ghost, one God, a single lifer and transmigrator was eating their dinner peacefully, like what the scene earlier was only an illusion.

However The prior scene was definitely not an illusion, so what really happened? Lets travel back in time for a moment to let these various people fill their stomachs..

Cale's thought at the table:  Are ghost, even needs to eat?

It was a warm sunny day, the crystal clear sea reflecting how beautiful the sky was. Amidst the almost holy looking place , there stood up a man in black. He looks like a drop of ink on a clean canvass.

The man seems to be searching for something or someone as he keeps looking around.



       His call was just swept by the wind as no matter how many times the man shouts the name, there was no reply.

Choi Han, the youth clad in black finally realize that Cale was not transported in his side.

This God of Death, he separate Cale-nim from me..
     With this Choi Han added another grudge to add under the God of Death's name.

He walk on a completely relax pace away from the shore while  surveying his surrounding. The fact that he was now in a different world means that he must be more wary.

Judging from the still warm and bright surrounding, It was noon there still a couple of hours before the sun will set.

I need to find, Cale-nim before it became dark...
     Choi Han thought.

It didn't take long for Choi Han to come face to face with a street filled with people???, The surrounding was quiet festive as there's unlit hanging lanterns above.

Find the red district...

The voice of the God of Death echo at Choi Han's mind as he land his gaze above (towards the red lanterns).

And meet the man wearing clothes reder than maple....

As what Cale knew about Choi Han and what we know about this guy. The God of Death's reminder automatically made Choi Han a hundred percent sure that the place in front of him was where that guy was telling him to go.

(God of Death: don't know whether to laugh or cry* Choi Han's innocence really doesn't disappoint...

Author: Right...He took it literally and I  Iove  him for that hhahahaha.

God of Death:  Who is it!!!!!!

Author: Ooopss...)

Thinking about what the God of Death told him , He taught that Cale was probably teleported in this red  district.

Walking much deeper on the area, Choi Han felt that his surrounding was getting much silent, the people? ?? seems to avoid him, this made him rise his vigilance.

A baritone voice just right at his back made Choi Han, immediately clutch his sword.

Facing the source of the sound, he found a clad in red

clothes reder than maple.

This is bad ...
Choi Han taught, as he didn't feel it's presence until he spoke.

But if he is the only way towards Cale-nim.....

Choi Han stop in his taught, noticing his surrounding, the once filled with people was now completely deserted...

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