Chapter 2

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Since we didn't have any tests the following week, Elena proposed to go out for a drink together. Laura and I accepted immediately.

At eight o'clock in the evening, we had therefore found ourselves in one of the few pubs in our city. Elena would sleep with me, since she lived in the town near and I, on the other hand, was just ten minutes from the place we chose.

I walked with a little trepidation, as the neighborhood got scarier and more dangerous at night, but as soon as I saw the sign of the pubs, I breathed a sigh of relief.

My girlfriends were right on time and luckily none of us had to wait outside in the cold.

The place was long, with only one main room, in which the tables were scattered in a disorderly way. Having booked a table in advance, we had no problems getting in. A waitress led us to a square table at the back of the room, near the windows overlooking the street.

The atmosphere was suggestive, thanks to the subdued lights, the music that filled the room, and the electricity in the voices of those present. The place was already full and we almost had to scream to talk.

As we chose what to eat, we chatted about the upcoming trip. All three of us were enthusiastic, despite the fact that on previous trips we had always argued. But it was inevitable. Three teenagers forced to be together 24/5? It was always an impossible fight to avoid. They were frivolous discussions, dictated by tiredness and lack of personal space, which within a few days were forgotten. I knew the same thing would happen that year, although I hoped I was wrong.

"So," Elena began, her gaze still glued to the menu she was holding. "Who's going to kiss Pascal first? Martina, Francesca, or Linda?"

"Martina, without a shadow of a doubt," I said quickly. "Of all of them, she is the closest to the finish line, in my opinion."

Laura shook her head disapprovingly. Although she found the professor an attractive and interesting man, the subject made her uncomfortable.

"Let's make a bet!"

Laura glared at Elena. "I bet Pascal is too much of a gentleman to do something like that."

"I bet on Martina," I said, slamming my hand into the center of the table.

"Me on Irene."

I looked at Elena in amazement. "Irene?"

Irene was the top student in the class, maybe even our entire year. She always had top grades, and was best friends with all the popular girls; she was beautiful, nice and, above all, intelligent.

"I'm telling you," Elena went on, "I think Pascal likes intellectuals. Someone he can talk to and who won't immediately fall at his feet."

Indeed, among all my classmates, Irene seemed the most suitable for a man like prof. Pascal. And yet, I had always believed that Irene didn't like boys. Like me, at nineteen she hadn't had a serious relationship yet and she had never kissed anyone. She seemed like one of those people not interested in love and sex. An opinion that I had always kept personal because I didn't feel like talking about the sexuality of a person who was still discovering herself. It felt wrong.

Along with the food we ordered water, having chosen to wait for drinks later on full stomachs.

"Can you imagine if Saverio makes out with him?" Elena said suddenly.

We all burst out laughing.

"So," I said, "it's true that we can't control who we love, okay? But I immediately lose any shred of respect for anyone who is close with Saverio."

"That would be an interesting story, though," Laura said, trying not to laugh again.

"No, raga*," Elena interrupted us, her lips barely holding back a laugh. "I can't believe it!"

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