Chapter 3 

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One week later and you're walking into the club, hands in hands, trying to act like a real couple. It feels weird, although it's not the first you're holding Jungkook's hand. But this time, it's in a different concept and his fingers are tightly laced with yours. On the other hand, it does feel nice. His hand is way bigger than yours, and it's almost ridiculous how much comfort and security you feel.

It happened too fast. You haven't got the chance to talk about basic rules, or how this is going to work. But apparently, Mr. Mutual Help thought it's a great way to show yourselves off when Jimin asked you both to go clubbing. One thing is sure – they can't know your relationship is fake. Of course, at first you were against it. You can't lie to Jimin and Taehyung, they're your friends. Although, Jungkook made sure you knew he doesn't want to lie them either, but it's the only way to make sure it's believable. Words spread fast, and it doesn't matter if you trust that person. It can slip out accidentally and the whole plan would be useless.

"It's only for a month. We'll say we just wanted to try it and that there was no spark." he told you before you got out of cab, lacing your fingers together that made you jump in shock.

"Stop jumping whenever I touch you. This has to be believable." he even scolded you.

That audacity.

You've never liked clubs that much. Besides the smell and proximity of sweaty and horny bodies, you never got the thrill behind it either. There's no toilet paper in the restroom which is always annoying, especially when you spend the rest of the night drinking and having to use the restroom all the time. But this is your chance to show yourselves, as couple.

Jungkook leads you through the crowd, holding your hand even more tightly while he glances over his shoulders at you from time to time. Two minutes later, and he manages to find Jimin sitting in a booth with Taehyung and some woman, that you've never seen before.

"Hey guys!" Taehyung waves excitedly, his cheeks slightly flashed showing off his boxy grin that makes you grin at him.

"Finally!" Jimin yells over the rap music, waving at you before his eyes drop to your locked hands. It's only matter of split second, before he smiles back at you as the both of you greet them properly.

"Oh, this is Hattie," Jimin says, introducing the woman with a beautiful dark skin and curly hair that's sitting beside him. "We just met her before you guys got here, she's visiting for a few days." he explains, letting her to introduce herself more properly.

As you're sitting down, Taehyung goes to order some drinks while you listen to her. She seems to be super nice, explaining how this is her fourth time visiting Seoul before Jimin starts to talk about Busan, his hometown, trying to persuade her how she should visit it as well. You talk back and forth for a couple of minutes, or at least try to through the loud music, before Taehyung is back and you're sipping on your drink.

There's slightly more alcohol in it than you'd appreciate, but you don't mind it that much.

Jungkook's hand is outstretched behind you, something you haven't noticed, until he taps your shoulder causing you to glance at him. He's sitting so damn close, that you can smell his cologne that you've always loved and see his soft skin illuminating in the gloom lightening.

"I don't think we're doing a good job." he leans, lips brushing against your ear as you hear his husky voice causing you to almost shiver.

"What do you mean?"

You know exactly what he means by that. You've been in the club for a few minutes, but nobody can tell that you're dating together. Fake dating, of course.

"I think," he says, fingers brushing over your exposed shoulder since your denim jacket slipped down. "You know exactly what I mean." he breathes into your ear, your eyes anxiously dancing between your friends.

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