Chapter 17

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"He just texted me 'screw y'all for going on a camping trip without me'." Jungkook chuckles at Jin's message while he reads it out loud.

"That's what he gets for being on a honeymoon in Greece." Jimin sassily remarks, knowing he's just joking and is extremely happy for Jin's happiness and fresh marriage.

The rest of boys join, joking about it for a few minutes before you finally sit down and talk about today's plans. Hoseok is the one who seems to take a somewhat leader position as he starts to talk.

"Okay, as I mentioned before, there are four tents. One of them is bigger so three people can easily fit there." he explains, looking at each of you before Jimin speaks up.

"Me and Taehyungie can share a tent." he says, causing Taehyung to nod in agreement as they bump their fists like it wasn't expected. Those two are like twins.

"Okay, who's next?" Hoseok asks, looking around again.

"Me, Seulgi and Minjae can share the bigger tent." Kiko speaks up, smiling at her friends who nod and agree immediately.

It still feels weird to have her here, even though it might be a good thing. For all you know, Jungkook is still trying to win her back and this might help. No matter how many times you tell yourself she doesn't deserve him, you want what's best for him. And if his undying love for her isn't going nowhere, who are you to tell him otherwise. Jungkook is stubborn and you've never seen him being in love with someone so much before. Yes, he stopped talking about her like he used to, but him stealing glances her way whenever he thinks nobody watching just tells you otherwise. He still wants and loves her.

"Okay, Jungkook and Y/N are staying together. That's obvious, so me and Joon are gonna share a tent," Hoseok says to everyone, before he turns to Namjoon. "Please just don't snore that much." he whines, causing everyone to chuckle while Namjoon seems to fake offense.

"It's not like I can control it!" he exclaims, but still assures Hoseok he's better with snoring these days and even offers that he can sleep in his car if he's going to be snorting.

You kind of feel bad for him, but Hoseok assures him he was just joking and from what you've seen so far, Hoseok likes to joke around a lot but he really cares about his friends. Now that you think about it, him being so protective about Kiko just proves how much he loves his friends. You did the same thing with Jungkook. Still do. You're protective over him to the point you snapped at Kiko at Jin's wedding. You've never snapped at someone you barely know. Well, you know her but in a way, she's a complete stranger to you. She's just his ex that used to spend her time with him all the time, those two were inseparable. Just like you were with Jungkook, until he started to date her and they preferred to be alone rather than hang out with anyone else. The only difference between you is, that you're Jungkook's best friend. Not a woman he fell in love with.

The more time you spend with everyone, you find yourself relax. Having Jimin and Taehyung here definitely helps, as those two fool around all the time. When Jungkook and Namjoon have successfully brought wood for the fireplace, two tents are already built with Jimin's and Taehyung's help because it seems like all the girls are pretty bad at it, including you.

"Weren't you saying you used to go camping with your uncle?" Jungkook jokes as he builds the tent like a pro. The grin that's plastered on his lips tells you that he's teasing you again and you take that time to slap his shoulder, causing him to laugh.

When all the tents are successfully built, thanks to none other than Jeon Jungkook himself, you finally eat some ramen that's the easiest to make. You gasp at the sight of grill and all the other culinary equipment Hoseok brought, which makes everything easier. You can easily cook whatever you guys want. With stomachs full, you decide to go swimming in the lake since the heat starts to be unbearable.
Rummaging through your travel bags, you let out a set of curse while you feel Jungkook's body behind you.

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