Chapter 24 

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The moment you sink down his length, your and Jungkook's breath turns into a sharp intake of air. Your walls are swallowing him, welcoming every inch of him with greediness and you take it as your mission to sink down onto him in one go. When you succeed with that and Jungkook's throbbing length is fully nestled inside you, you take that time to let out a long sigh as you bring yourself to relax. It's incredible how amazingly he stretches your walls meanwhile it feels like you're experiencing this for the first time. You're not, you're definitely not, considering you've had sex with him couple of times. But still, every time it feels as if it's new and better each time.

"Holy shit," Jungkook breathes, feeling you clenching around him while you're barely moving, still adjusting to sudden stretch. "I could never get enough of this."

Your insides tickle with a sudden pride and confidence, meanwhile your head is screaming at him to shut up. Fuck, he's so good with words and at everything that involves sex and him as a person. You wish he wasn't your best friend, hating him would be a great option right now.

Letting your palms sprawl against his stomach, you slowly lift yourself, carefully not letting him slip out before you drop yourself back. You whimper, finding it hard to control your thrusts to make both of you feel good when you feel like you're about to cum any second. You know it'd take just a few thrusts and maybe five minutes until you're cumming undone all over again. However, you want this to last longer and a huge part of you doesn't want to disappoint Jungkook.

"Take your time," he tells you gently, his own voice strained. It must be torture for him to feel your walls clenching around him but without you moving or giving him at least some kind of friction. It doesn't surprise you that he's sweet, reminding you that you should take it at your own pace.

Little does he know that your mind is thinking dozen things at the same time and he's in every one of them.

You watch his eyes flicker between your bodies, his head propped on his pillow gives him a better view at your connected bodies. He can't see much, but just the sight of your breasts, stomach and legs sprawled over him is just enough. The rest of it he can imagine, maybe it's better he can't see his dick and your pussy. He'd probably cum too fast.

His hands find their way to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze as you bite your lower lip in response. Deciding you need to feel more, and that his dick nestled inside of you is not enough anymore, you lift yourself again and drop yourself back, but not entirely. This way, you create slow and gentle pace that makes you adjust to his size even more, until it gets more bearable and your own body pleads for more. With that, you pick up pace and fully lean against Jungkook's chest with your hands all over him. He helps you, lifting you by holding the underside of your ass cheeks while he meets your thrusts by buckling his hips into yours in halfway. Your body feels hot, too hot to the point you feel like you're on fire. Your hair smack against your back with each thrust and you feel sweat creating on your naked and exposed skin, but that doesn't stop you. You're more than aware that at the end of this, you're both going to be sweaty.

"Mhm," Jungkook groans, the back of your thighs slapping against the top of his, creating a sinful sound inside his bedroom. "That's it, baby. You feel so good."

You almost purr at his praise, but you can't bring yourself to react in any other way than just moaning back. The combination of his hard length thrusting into you and his balls smacking against your puckered hole, is leaving you breathless and you know you're loosing it. Even the way your breasts bounce adds some kind of pleasure into this. Slowly, your thrusts come to a halt and you pry your eyes open to check Jungkook, whose brows are furrowed in pleasure and mouth open. He opens his eyes slowly, glancing at your breasts that are no longer bouncing and he almost pouts at that. His hands twitch to touch them, wanting to feel those soft mounds of yours but before he can even lift his hands, you're already sliding off him.

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