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heyyy so this is my first time writing shit sooo sorry if it's bad. but anyways-

b4 we start i would like 2 makes this clear..

if u r below the age of 13 then wtf r u doing here- i mean stay if u'd like but if ur parents find out u read this shit don't bring me into it.

this book contains 18+ shit. so if ur here w out ur parents knowing then just know that it's not my fault if u get in trouble 4 reading this.

u have been warned.

now that that's out of the way, we can continue;

my writing will be "more efficient" when i start the story btw.

quackity & wilbur r the same ages as 2 2023; quackity is 22 & wilbur is 27.



also please do b aware that i know nothing abt bipolar disorders & suicidal ideation- i just added it 2 give more affect & background story-

i will post the 1st chapter tmrw, if i remember..

also i am lazy & very busy bc i have just started exams-

so don't expect a lot from me.

btw i made this before actually deciding that i wanted to post stories. soooo yeahhhh. i edited some parts 2 make it better & not like shit.

idk if i'm going 2 keep posting tho. so don't get 2 attached 2 the story. but i doubt u will-

& that is all 4 now, this probs will b updated in the future tho.

sorry 4 the bad grammar & the mistakes.

thanks 4 reading & enjoy.

stalkbur <3Where stories live. Discover now