I wake up the next morning to the sound of a phone buzzing. I rub my crusted- filled eyes trying to get rid of the grogginess.

Hey Cay, I hope you're okay.... Last night I didn't mean for that to almost cause a wreck..... Text me as soon as you wake up. - Parker

I almost had gotten the image out of my mind of  Parker and I almost crashing into the car in front, my life flashing before me. I couldn't think about it now,I had to focus on the early morning volleyball practice I had to attend to today.

It's okay Parker, Just be careful next time okay? I replied as I got up and got ready for the two hour practice ahead of me.

I hear talking downstairs, and the air automatically fills with the smell of bacon and eggs. My favorite. I walk down the stairs sliding a pair of shoes on before walking in to the heavenly smell of the kitchen. There was my dad making the food with both of my younger siblings and of course Kendell was here for our traditional Saturday breakfasts.

"Good morning dad, Jake, Melisa, and Ken." They all stop their chattering and give me a smile. Then after a moment the kitchen and dining area is filled with the familiar sound of chatter.

"Hey Cay, can you go get the tres amigos?" As in my older siblings who happen to be triplets and the most popular in school. The younger siblings are twins who are 10 or maybe 11 sometimes I get their age confused.

"Sure dad." I groan. I hate waking them up after a night of partying. They all have hangovers, and usually throw the closest thing next to them to get us to shut up. I rush down to the basement where all three have their rooms.

"Blake, Steven, Millie! Breakfast is ready!" I call. All three doors were open so I know they could hear me.

"Shut up Caylee, You don't need to yell." I hear Steven groan.

"Whoops didn't mean too." I reply. I knew this would be hard. I didn't see any movement in any rooms so I just turn to go back up to the kitchen. "Well if any of you aren't  coming don't complain if you don't get any food."


"Tell me why again you wanted to come to my practice that's two hours long? It's pointless Kendell. None of the girls want to date you." I comment as Kendell gets into my car. I lied about the girls not wanting to date Kendell. Actually the majority of my team who didn't  boyfriends, fell in love with him the first time they saw him.

"I want to go to the coffee shop after and have our study "date" there. And I don't care about the girls, there's one girl who's on my mind these days." My eyes widen, I wonder who the lucky girl is. Shoot. I didn't mean it to sound like I was jealous or anything because I have Parker. Or maybe I did have some feelings packed aside for Kendell.

"Who is it Ken?" I squeal, pretending to be happy. Or maybe I was. I was getting jealous over nothing.

"Cay, I can't tell you. It would just ruin it for you." He looked over and grinned at me. Gosh his big brown eyes could melt anyone's heart, including mine. I shook myself mentally thinking that this was a phase.

"Okay Kendell, I'll Let it slide for now, but you have to tell me sooner or later. We are best friends you know." Out of the corner of my eye I see him focus on his hands, his mind now in complete thought. Now this was on my mind and I don't know how long I can take not knowing.

"Want to sit here or come inside? Or if you'd like to explore a little I'll let you drive my car until practice gets over with."

"I'll go exploring! I'll be back in two hours with your car in great care." He exclaims. He's the only person outside my family I'll allow to drive my car.

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