I quietly made my way out of the house, not trying to disturb the family. I knew that my brothers would also be at the party but they have the sophomores who play football, too scared to drink alcohol drive them home. I text Millie, telling her I was on the way.

The house the party was at was only ten minutes away. I slowly drove down the street trying not to run over any drunk teenagers, while also looking for my sister in the process. After looking for about five minutes, I spot her with her arms strung around what I'm guessing a senior. They were making out like no other and they only way I was going to get her attention is if I honk my horn. As I do so, she turns away from the senior to drunkenly wave at me. The senior only glares at me, and let my sister go to come to the car. As she steps into the car she slurs me a hello.

"Who was that guy mills?" I ask. She shrugged her shoulders giggling like a little girl.

"Guess what Caylee? I made out with your boyfriend." she giggles.

I turned to her confused. "What are you talking about Millie?" She takes out her phone already turned on to a video. I click on it.

My jaw is forced open. It's Parker handing my sister a drink, her grabbing it and saying thanks. He steps closer to her and wraps his arms around her waist. She makes no effort to move away, like she didn't know who's boyfriend she was handling. She is now finishing her drink and moving her hands up to his face. And that's when they close in. I can't believe it. He cheated on me and it was with my sister. I'm now in tears fighting to not show my sister who was a drunken mess.

"He was a bad boy Caylee." She just stared at her hands. Her drunk self knowing that something bad was happening. I ignore her, tears that I couldn't control leak from my eyes as I put the car in drive. I start driving, watching out for the last few drunken teenagers.

I was turning onto another street when it hit me.


Kendall's POV

It was about four in the morning when I got a call from a hysterical mother. Not just any mother but Caylee's. She said something about a crash and to meet in the hospital. And that worried me because if anything happened to Caylee, I don't know what I would do with myself. Not only was she my best friend but she was the love of my life. I absolutely adored her in every possible way. But because she had that asshole Parker, I couldn't tell her how I feel.

I rushed into the hospital which was almost ghostly.

"Where Could I find Caylee Martin?" I ask the older looking nurse at the reception desk.

"Are you family?" She questions me.

"Practically." Not even looking at me she scans her computer.

"She's in surgery right now, but family was taken to the waiting room on floor five." I quickly give her a nod of thanks and rush to the elevator.

Wow, I Just saw this girl not even twelve hours ago and shes in surgery. All these scenarios pop into my head, most of them don't turn out well. I rush to Caylee's mom, Karen the first familiar face I see. With her is Steven, Blake, Jake and Melisa.

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