Caylee's POV

I open my eyes to a hospital room. Why was I here? I sit up looking around, all I see is a man and a women with two kids. Who are they?

"Oh Sam, look at her. I wish I could help her." The woman had tears welled up in her eyes.

"Honey everything is going to be okay? You just need to fight, for everyone but mostly yourself." The man wasn't talking to the woman, he was talking to me. I'm so Confused.

"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask, but it seems they can't hear me.

"I have to go home Sam, I don't like the feeling of our daughter hearing us crying." The husband nodded and they started coming towards me. They pass right through me, I turn and see me. Me in a coma.The woman and man both take a side of me and hold my hand.

Instantly, memories pour into my head, filling them with images and videos of the man and woman. Mom and Dad. I remember them now, but I wonder why I couldn't remember them before. The two kids that sat at the foot of the bed never moved, not wanting to disturb my comatose body. These must be my siblings but I don't know anything about them,

"We love you so much baby girl. Come on Jake and Melisa." She grabs the kids by their hands and rushes out of the room as to not let me see her tears rushing down her face.

"I love you honey." He pats my hand and walks out of the room.

I need to know so much more, I lost every memory I've had because of something that put me here. I flop down on the chair and stare at my lifeless body in front of me. But then, the room filled with noise as three more people walk in. They also look somewhat like me. I stand up and walk towards them but they probably couldn't hear me if I tried.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Why would this happen to this sweet girl." The girl cried. The two other boys walked up to my like my mother and father and sat down on either side. Both start to pat my hand when the memories started to flood in. My two brothers, Blake and Steven. They also had another one in their triplet, so it must be that girl in the room.

"Caylee, I'm so sorry for what happened. We vowed never to go to a party again, and to not drink alcohol. " So this had to do with a party? It was that bad?

"I'm so sorry for what I did Caylee, I was drunk and Didn't know what was going on."The girl was bawling and moving closer to me. she knelt down next to Blake and started patting my arm, since my brothers had both my hands. The memories of Millie came into my mind. One memory was of her and I in a car, I was driving and she was in the passengers seat drunk as ever. Then a truck full of teenagers came into view and that's where the memory ended. Oh my, I was in a car crash. That's what put me here.

But It wasn't Millie's fault. I was the one driving, so why did she feel bad?

"We better get some sleep guys, we can come back after church." I don't want them to leave me here, I rush over to Blake and try to grab his arm. But I was a ghostly figure he just went through me like I was nothing.

"We love you so much Cay." Blake calls as they walk through the door. I need more, I only remember the family that touched me, but my family wasn't the only people I talk to. The only thing I can remember, someone who did't touch me at all. A face of a boy, no memories came with, just his face. He had a charming smile, one that anyone could remember even if they were in a coma. His big brown eyes that complimented is sandy blonde hair, could melt a heart, including mine.

"Hey. Look, uhm, you probably can't hear this or if you do, it may be a good thing. I-I'm not good at this, at showing emotions of sadness or if I like a girl, how to actually tell her. Well, I told you that I would tell you who this girl was and I'm pretty sure they are broken up now so, here it goes." Snapping out of my trance I look to the voice talking in my room. I didn't even hear him come in. It was him, the boy of the face I saw before I blacked out in the crash.

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