1. The Uninvited Guest

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The Johnson family had just moved into their new home in the suburbs, and everything seemed perfect. They had unpacked their belongings, arranged the furniture and were getting settled into their new life. However, things quickly took a sinister turn when an unexpected guest arrived.

It was a stormy night, and the family was huddled around the fireplace, enjoying the warmth and the cozy atmosphere. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Mr. Johnson got up to answer it, thinking it might be the neighbors welcoming them to the neighborhood. But when he opened the door, there was no one there.

Thinking it might have been the wind or a prankster, he shrugged it off and went back inside. However, moments later, they heard another knock, louder this time. Mr. Johnson went to check again, but still, there was no one there. The family was getting nervous, but they tried to reassure themselves that it was just the weather playing tricks on them.

They went back to their living room, but then they heard footsteps upstairs. They froze, looking at each other, wondering if they were imagining it. But then the footsteps got closer, and they could hear someone walking down the stairs. The family was terrified, huddled together, wondering who could be in their home.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the doorway. It was a tall, gaunt man, with piercing eyes and a crooked grin. He looked at them for a moment, then started walking towards them. The family backed away, trying to find a way to escape. But the man blocked their path, seeming to enjoy their fear.

He introduced himself as William, a distant relative who had heard about their move and decided to visit. The family was relieved at first, thinking that they had overreacted to a harmless stranger. However, as the night went on, they realized that William was not who he seemed.

He started making strange comments, asking about the family's personal lives, and making inappropriate jokes. He would disappear for long periods of time, only to reappear suddenly, as if he had been watching them. The family started to suspect that something was wrong, but they didn't know what to do.

The next morning, they woke up to find that William had made himself at home, cooking breakfast and making coffee. He acted as if he was a member of the family, but they could see the madness in his eyes. They tried to ignore him, hoping that he would leave soon, but he seemed to have no intention of going anywhere.

Days turned into weeks, and William became more and more unstable. He would talk to himself, laugh maniacally, and make bizarre demands. The family was trapped in their own home, unable to leave without risking their lives. They tried calling for help, but their phones were dead, and the internet was down.

Finally, they realized that they had to take matters into their own hands. They came up with a plan to escape, using a back door that William didn't know about. But as they were packing their things, William appeared, blocking their path.

He had a crazed look in his eyes, and he was holding a knife. He told them that they couldn't leave, that they were his family now. The family was terrified, but they knew that they had no choice. They attacked William, overpowering him and knocking him unconscious.

They fled the house, running down the street, screaming for help. They didn't stop until they found a police station, where they reported what had happened. The police investigated, but William was nowhere to be found. He had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

The family never returned to their home, too traumatized by the events that had taken place. They never found out who William was.

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