21. Bad Spirit

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Lila had never known a home outside of the orphanage where she had been left as a baby. She had never been adopted, but she didn't let that make her feel any less loved by the nuns who cared for her. They provided her with food, shelter, and a safe place to grow up. Despite that, Lila always felt like something was missing. She didn't know what it was, but she had a feeling that it was out there waiting for her.

One day, Lila was walking along the edge of the nearby forest when she heard a voice whispering her name. She turned around, but there was no one there. She shrugged it off as her imagination and continued walking. But as she walked deeper into the forest, the voice grew louder and more insistent. It was as if someone was trying to guide her somewhere.

Eventually, Lila came to a clearing where she saw a woman standing in the center. The woman was beautiful with long, flowing hair and a serene expression. She beckoned to Lila, and without thinking, Lila stepped forward. But as soon as she did, the woman vanished, and Lila was engulfed in darkness.

Lila woke up in a hospital room. She had been in a terrible accident, and the doctors told her she was lucky to be alive. But Lila didn't feel lucky. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. Her body was battered, and her mind was haunted by the memory of the woman in the forest.

After a few weeks of recovery, Lila was discharged from the hospital and sent back to the orphanage. But things were different now. Lila felt like she was being watched all the time, and strange things started happening around her. Objects would move on their own, and she would hear whispers in the night.

The nuns at the orphanage didn't believe Lila when she told them about the strange occurrences. They told her that it was all in her head and that she needed to focus on getting better. But Lila knew that something was wrong. She felt like she was being tormented by a malevolent force.

One night, Lila woke up to find the woman from the forest standing at the foot of her bed. The woman's eyes were black, and her smile was twisted into a sneer. Lila tried to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth. The woman leaned in close and whispered, "I've been waiting for you."

Lila never spoke again after that night. She retreated into herself, consumed by fear and paranoia. The nuns tried to help her, but it was no use. Lila was lost to them, consumed by the bad spirit that had claimed her.

Years later, the orphanage was shut down, and the property was sold to a developer. The new owners decided to tear down the old building and build a new one in its place. But as the construction crew began to dig the foundation, they uncovered something unexpected.

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