4. The Shadow at the Window

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Samantha had always been fascinated by the old Victorian house on the corner of her street. It was abandoned and in a state of disrepair, but something about it drew her in. She would often pass by it on her way to school, peering through the windows and imagining what it would be like to live there.

But there was one window that Samantha always avoided - the one on the third floor, at the back of the house. It was always dark, and she had never seen anyone or anything inside. But every time she walked by, she could feel a presence watching her from behind the glass.

One night, Samantha couldn't resist her curiosity any longer. She grabbed a flashlight and snuck into the house through an unlocked window. The inside was just as she had imagined - grand, but decayed. Cobwebs hung from the ceilings, and the furniture was covered in dust. But Samantha didn't care. She was too focused on finding out what was behind that third-floor window.

She climbed the stairs, her flashlight illuminating the way. The house was eerily quiet, and the sound of her own footsteps echoed through the halls. When she reached the third floor, she hesitated for a moment before approaching the window. As she got closer, she could feel a cold draft coming from inside the room.

And then she saw it - a shadow at the window. It was humanoid in shape, but completely black. Samantha could feel the fear rising in her chest, but she couldn't look away. The shadow seemed to be watching her, studying her. And then it began to move, its form shifting and changing.

Samantha turned to run, but she was too late. The shadow had already enveloped her, and she could feel it seeping into her skin, into her bones. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She was trapped, held in the grasp of something that she couldn't comprehend.

When Samantha woke up, she was back outside, lying on the ground in front of the old Victorian house. Her flashlight was still clutched in her hand, but the batteries were dead. She had no memory of what had happened inside the house, only a lingering feeling of dread.

From that night on, Samantha was never the same. She began to see shadows everywhere she went, and she could feel them watching her, waiting for her. She tried to ignore them, tried to convince herself that they were just figments of her imagination. But deep down, she knew the truth - there was something in that old house, something that had marked her as its own. And it would never let her go.

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