More Than His Name.

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⚠️TW⚠️: implied sexual assault, drugging, ron

Hermione Granger

What happened?

That was the question pounding in my head, steady as a heartbeat.

Even as Draco and I walked back downstairs to the clubhouse, Harry clinging to his shirt as he slept. He was draped across Draco's chest, and he looked so much younger like that. With tears collected in his lashes and streaked down his face, I couldn't help but want to hug him to my chest, smooth his hair, and kiss his pain away like my own mother used to.

When we entered, it was silent and Ron was nowhere to be found. Neville piped up that the twins took him his dorm, to force him to cool off.

Which was definitely a good choice. Harry and Ron were best friends, and I have never seen Harry look so hurt when looking at him. I've never seen Ron look so disgusted with anyone either.

It was as if they didn't know each other.

Draco didn't say a word as he strode past everyone with Harry in his arms and placed him gently on the couch, tucking him in with his octopus plushie before smoothing back his hair. He then leaned forward and did something we couldn't see, his body shielding his action from view. But seeing how Harry latched onto him in the tower earlier, it was probably a more intimate gesture.

He carefully slid Harry's glasses off his face and placed them on the coffee table in front of the couch before slinking to the floor by the fireplace to join the rest of us.

"This morning, Harry invited me into the Collapsed Expanse. He showed me art that he had been working on, so, I returned the favor. I doubt many of you know this, but I write. Typically prose, sometimes poetry."

"I knew that," I scoffed without heat as memories from past years whizzed around in my head. "You were always top of the class in English. I could never get close, and it made me want to rip my hair out when we were younger."

"Oh yeahhh, you're always winning those writing competitions." Neville recalled wi to a snap.

"Weasley walked in on us together in the expanse," He sighed, and at our scandalized expressions his eyes widened a bit as he rushed to correct himself. "Nothing like that! I fell asleep next to him while he was painting, and Weasley walked in. Merlin, we literally just started... whatever this is." As he spoke, he motioned between himself and Harry.

"Do you like him?"

"Is it not painfully obvious?" he groans, dragging his palms down his face as the twins grumble, both tossing a couple sickles at Ginny.

"He started calling Harry terrible names, calling him easy, a slut, just another hole-"
His voice caught and his fist flew to his mouth as his body lurched. He was still for a minute, his eyes screwed shut as he pushed down the bile rising to his throat.

"What?" I cried, rendered slack jawed by what I was hearing. "He said that after... after-"

"Yeah. He did. And watching Harry's face through that verbal beatdown was gut wrenching. At that point, I was thinking of intervention, but then Weasley spat on him."

"WHAT?" "WHAT THE HELL?" The twins cried in unison, before glancing at Harry to make sure he remained asleep.

"Draco, I'm sorry to ask, but do you remember specifically what he said?" I said quietly, hoping my apologetic expression expresses my desire to not ask.

Draco cleared his throat and resumed his story.

"So, yeah, he walked in and started yelling about how Harry was making out with the enemy and-." His voice stuttered over the last word as he cast his gaze to the floor.

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