Say that Again.

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Harry Potter

I ended up spending the rest of the day silent. Originally, my plan wasn't to stay quiet, but after about an hour of silence, nothing felt worth prying my lips apart for.

And Draco, that beautiful boy, stayed with me. He sat right next to me and offered silent company. He never pressed me to talk, only ever rubbed my arm or drew hearts on my hand with his thumb while working on two pages. Two pages where he wrote the same words over and over again, changing the stylization of the writing until it almost looked like a mural.
I am yours.
Written like a mantra over and over for hours. And gods, I don't think I've ever been more in love.

I drew and I drew, the harsh lines becoming something softer with him next to me.

Soon, I found myself drawing him, still so fucking beautiful even as he sat hunched so far over his notebook he looked at risk of folding into a paper crane. All I could really see was the way his hair fell in front of his face and watch his hands fly across the paper.

I don't know how long I sat staring at him, but he eventually looked over at me. The silver of his eyes looked into mine and gleamed as he grinned at me.
His eyes crinkle in the corners when he smiles.
He didn't say anything, just smiled and planted a kiss in my hair before returning to his notebook.
So I turned back to my sketchbook, intent on capturing that smile on paper. His eye crinkles were the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

Draco Malfoy

Harry fell asleep hours ago, but I can't bring myself to wake him up. If we're being honest, nothing is really going well for him at the moment, and sleep sounds like it might be the best thing for him right now.

When I glanced over to see how he was doing, he was out cold, curled up next to his sketchbook. It lay open to a page dedicated exclusively to me. As I leaned forward to get a closer look, I found myself smiling up at me, showing off eye creases I never knew I had.
Is this really what I look like when I smile?
I brushed my thumb across the image and couldn't help but smile.

I look happy. Really happy.

I've seen a lot of photos of myself, but I've never seen one of myself smiling like this.
This smile is something I hope to protect, and the best way to do that is to protect the guy who made me smile like that. Like I have something precious, someone who's brightened my entire world.

That's what Harry James goddamn Potter has done for me. A reason to keep going.

I unzipped and shrugged of the bleached skeleton hoodie that I borrowed from Harry and draped it over his sleeping form, lightly placing my hand on top of his.

He reacted almost immediately, clasping my hand between his and holding it close to his chest. My thumb was still outside of his grip, so I took to stroking the side of his palm.

"Draco?" A voice calls from the doorway. I look over to find Hermione and everyone by the door.

"Yes, Hermione?" I reply, pretending not to noticed the looks of shock rippling through the rest of Harry's friends. Who would've ever expected for Hermione and I to get along, I guess.

"Do you think you could wake Harry up so that we can eat?" She asked, motioning towards Harry's form before a smug grin stretched across her face and she gestured more emphatically at our interlocked hands. "You know, since you're closest."
That absolute wanker. I'd call her as much, but I know that she'd just start cackling like a witch hunched over a bubbling cauldron which would only make me more annoyed.
I'm really good at picking the infuriating ones.

"Wow, Hermione! Such an astute observation! 50 points to Gryffindor." I gush falsely, applauding Granger on a job well done. She sticks her tongue out at me and I scoff. "Anyway, does Harry need to eat with you all? Have we considered that he may still not want social interaction? Why can't he just eat when he gets up?" I counter, attempting to fold my arms across my chest with only one arm since Harry was holding the other hostage.
I clocked the discomfort settling into their expressions, and I knew that I must have been missing something. I focused in on Pansy and Blaise who both seemed to know what was going on as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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