Chapter 8: An unwelcomed past

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Juan landed near the mesmerising river.
As soon as his feet reached the ground the crystalized wings vanished into thin air.

Juan... the crystals, they disappeared is that a problem?
"Don't worry we won't need them anymore".
I... oke than, I believe you.
I let Juan go and stood on the ground taking in the view that laid out in front of me.

I can't believe a city this beautiful has been hidden in the depths...
"Shahra wasn't always like this you know, there's a reason why it keeps hidden."
You seem to be quite knowledgeable.
"Let's say that the knowledge I've gained wasn't particularly voluntary.", Juan said with a stoic expression.

I sensed a bit of hostility when Juan said that, seems to me as if I scratched the surface of an underlying past..
No matter how eager I might be to find out what he's lived through...I will not burden him with questions.
I'll wait patiently until he's ready to tell me.
I do wonder who that shadowy figure might have been referring to... All I know is that I felt an immense pain and pressure.
Juan...who has you chained up like that..?*

Juan and I walked the scenery and I noticed a sign pointing us in different directions.
We need to walk a bit further ahead up the hill in order to see the tailor's dukan.
"Impressive, I did not know that you could read the signs"
I looked at Juan in awe:.... It's a sign...everyone can read those..
"No need to be modest, you may be proud of the skills you acquired."
I looked Juan in the eyes and smiled: You are praising me for reading a sign??? You sure are a funny one, I laughed: No one has ever praised me  before, thank you, it makes me very happy.
Juan smiled and walked further.
We walked towards what seemed to be the heart of the forest, trees filled with sakura petals danced around us.
I can't believe how beautiful Shahra is, it seems as if everything here has it's own heartbeat.
"That's certainly one way to put it"
I looked at Juan whilst he gently plucked one of the sakura petals.
"There is a lifeform in all of Shahra, the people, plants and waterbodies are all connected."
"The lifeform that is being shared and is spread out through all of Shahra is right here in the middle of this ancient forest."
Juan grabbed my hand and guided me through the dancing petals.
Everywhere you looked, trees were dancing and forming a barrier of protection the further you walked in.
Juan...what's happening?
"Don't worry, they won't hurt you."
"Do you trust me?"
I took a deep breath and said: I do.
"This ancient forest is the heart of Shahra, the city of mesmerizing gold and beautiful scenery, owes it's name to the place we're about to enter."
Juan stopped in front of a sakura tree, it's petals slightly differ from the rest. Whilst the majority of the trees had petals dancing on the motions of the wind, this tree directly swirled it's petals around you.

Why are the petals surrounding me?
"My suspicions were approved"
"The signs cannot be read by the inhabitants of Shahra, the only ones capable of doing so are from royal lineage"
I raised my left eyebrow: Ya ya, say what now.... I know for a fact that I'm not from royal lineage at all.
Juan smirked and turned to face me:
"That's what makes it so intruiging"
"Even though you're not royalty, you are still capable of reading the ancient signs, .. I know for a fact that the ancient language isn't taught in the books..nor does it get spoken"

There's more to you than the eye meets.

I sighed and looked around me: It is so vague..I honestly don't know how or why I know the language.. putting that aside, why are the petals dancing around me?
"To put in bluntly, you're special, which kind of special? I do not know, but I do know that the tree is willing to let it's defense mechanism down for you"
I don't know what to say...
"Look at the tree in front of you."

I turned my gaze and saw a gaping hole where the petals were formed.
A golden light shone through.
Juan...what is...
"This is the lifeform of Shahra, many centuries ago it was protected by the royal family, as a promise to the friend they made."

Juan stepped foot in the open spot, and I followed him.
Upon entering the tree, a giant vessel was shown in the middle, all covered in gold and a barrier of petals.
What was that... I quickly checked my surroundings and asked Juan if he heard anything but he just shrugged his shoulders.
The closer we walked towards the vessel the louder the noise became.
I shook my head and continued walking.
The pounds were getting louder. Juan!
Juan turned to face me: What's wrong? You seem a bit pale.. just a bit further.
I covered my ears and walked further.

Nngh... I closed my eyes and took a step forward.

IT HURTS!, I fell down on my knees in excruciating pain, still covering my ears and trembling.

Juan came rushing in: "Are you oke??? What happened???!!"

As I trembled, I tried to open my eyes to look at Juan, I saw worry in his eyes.. I looked a bit past him and was met by a giant wave of a pulsing  gold light crashing into me accompanied by the loudest pound I heard.

AAAAAAAHHHHHH! I fell down on the ground and gasped for breath.
I reached out my trembling hand to grab Juan's collar: The's getting worse.....,I whispered..
"What???!.... what pounding....????"

My vision became a blur and my grip on Juan's collar weakened.
"Rheya....hang in there"

My head spun and my arm fell down, everything turned black.

A promise, has been made and I intend to keep it, even if it costs me my life.


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