Chapter 1: Start of Something New

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The city of Paris was full of excitement. Being that it was New Year's Eve and everyone was up late eagerly awaiting the time of the new year. People of all ages were celebrating and partying. At least, most everyone was. In a quiet room at the Hôtel Mercure Biarritz Centre Plaza, a teenager with dark hair and pigtails sat quietly at a desk. She worked diligently on what was her ninth attempt of the perfect evening dress sketch. A pile of crumpled paper sat beside her scattered next to the trash can instead of in it. A gentle knock was heard at the door of her temporary room before it opened.

"Marinette, what are you doing? I thought you were heading down to the party." Her mother gently urged.

Marinette became even more frazzled as she realized how much time had escaped her since the last time her mother had come to get her. "I am, I am. I was just going to finish this first before I head down." She answered frantically before the lead of her pencil snapped, causing her to let out a senile grunt.

"Sweetheart, by the time you're satisfied with that it'll be morning. You should take a break for now. Besides, you wouldn't want to disappoint Luka. He seemed so excited to see you at the party." Her mother reminded her.

Since they had moved to Paris a week ago, Marinette had met Luka one day when she was sketching by the canal. He had coincidentally been strolling by strumming a gentle tune when he happened to see her sketch from behind her. As his interest was piqued, he decided to strike up a conversation. Luckily that day, Marinette had made her first friend since the move. In fact, he had even invited her and her family to this New Year's Eve event in hopes of seeing her there.

Marinette guiltily sighed as she remembered. "You're right." She hesitantly shut her sketchbook. Although she was excited to see Luka, there was still a sense of dread in her stomach as she was reminded that she wouldn't know anyone else that was there.

She quickly picked up her sketchbook and hugged it against herself. "Do you think I could take this with me?" She asked as a last resort.

Sabine gave her daughter an understanding smile as she shook her head. "Now it wouldn't be much of a break if you brought your work to the party, would it?"

Marinette temporarily sighed in defeat. "I guess."

Sabine nodded patiently. "Alright, then. Would you like your father and I to walk you down or can I trust you head down by yourself?"

"Um, that's okay. I can go by myself. I promise." She assured her mother.


A few floors above them, a blonde boy shot hoop after hoop in a public basketball court that his father had bought out for the entirety of his stay at the hotel. Although it was what he loved to do in his spare time, he couldn't help the small emptiness inside him. Despite being the most popular boy in the city, due to the photo shoots, being a basketball prodigy, and the son of Gabriel Agreste, he always felt like no one was around.

Then again, he couldn't really complain about his life. He was lucky enough to convince his father to let him start attending public school at an early age. He was grateful that he had the opportunity to make some friends of his own outside of the family friends that he was forced to endure since he was small.

After he made another hoop, he heard a subtle voice call out to him from the entrance of the gym. He quickly turned to see his father's assistant Natalie. Her eyes were trained on the tablet for a few seconds before her stoic expression met his face. "Your leisure time was scheduled to end thirty minutes ago. Your father requires you to make an appearance at the kids party downstairs."

"A kids party?" Adrien cringed as he swiped a towel from his duffel bag on the bleachers.

Natalie cleared her throat. "Excuse me, I meant to say young adults party."

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