Chapter 2: Get'cha Head in The Game

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The first day back to school came around sooner than Adrien had realized, and he couldn't be happier. Aside from the New Year's party, his winter break consisted of modeling gigs, Chinese lessons, and basketball practice from sunrise to sunset. Basketball was essentially the only part of his schedule that he truly enjoyed, but now he was glad that school was back so he could finally have a reason to see his friends again. He was up before his alarm to get showered and dressed. His cat, Plagg, gave him an earful when he almost left the room without feeding him his usual plate of camembert.

Adrien has hoped that he would at least get a glimpse of his father before he left, but of course that was wishful thinking. When his bodyguard drove him to school, there was so much activity. Students were mingling and telling each other about their winter breaks. When he stepped out of the limo, he was immediately greeted by his best friend along with the rest of his friends.

"Dude! How's my best bro? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, man." Nino went to give Adrien a bro handshake.

"I'm good, Nino. What's up?" He smiled proudly as he returned the handshake.

"What's up is that in two weeks we're gonna be champions with you leading us into infinity and beyond!" Nino exclaimed as he slung an arm around Adrien's shoulder.

"Yeah, we've got a heck of a basketball career ahead of us!" Kim added from behind them as they headed into the school.

"Totally!" Ivan agreed. "With Adrien, the Knightowl's are gonna come out on top."

When they stepped through the doors of the school, their attention diverts to the crowd of people in the hall trying to make way for someone. Some of the team members dreaded the familiar click clack of heels against the floor.

"Adrikins!" Chloe called out to him obnoxiously as she made a beeline towards him. She caught the attention of everyone as usual with her white designer skinny jeans and bright yellow Prada jacket. Of course her sidekick, Sabrina, was urgently trailed behind her with a binder snuggly held against her. Chloe had clung herself to Adrien's arm as she usually did. "I can't even express how much I missed you over the break. Maui was absolutely beautiful. You should've accepted Daddykins' invitation. You would've loved it!"

Adrien slightly cringed as her manicured nails slightly dug into his arm. With the other hand he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry Chloe, I just didn't feel like traveling this time." Usually when the Bourgeois's went on a trip, they always brought Adrien along. Most of the time he didn't have a choice in whether he went or not because his father had a close 'connection' with Chloe's father, the mayor of Paris. It had always been that way as far as he could remember. However, this time around his father had allowed him to stay in Paris. It was unusual for his father to give him a choice in the matter. The only conclusion Adrien could come to was that his father was finally allowing him a bit of freedom.

Chloe made a small bratty pout. "Well that's fine. I just spent my whole vacation without you to keep me company."

If Adrien didn't feel guilty before, he definitely did now. "I, uh-"

"That's okay, Adrikins. You'll just have to promise me that you'll come with me on the next vacation." She interrupted proudly.

"I don't know, Chloe. I can't really make a decision about that right now." He weakly defended as she started to pout again. He sighed before he caved in. "Okay, I promise."

Chloe did a small clap of excitement. "Fabulous." She started to strut away in her victory before a thought crossed her mind. She briefly turned back around. "And don't forget to come to the Winter Musicale this year featuring, yours truly, Queen Bee!" She announced pompously before continuing to strut away.

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