Chapter 1

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Jenna POV:

My eyes shot open. Today is the day. The day I am free. The day I leave my father's "care" forever. What is today? My 18th birthday. I rolled off my lumpy mattress and slipped on my flip flops. I grabbed my suitcase full of everything I own, which isn't much, and headed out my bedroom door. There was no time to waste, I wanted to get out of here before my mutant of a father woke up. I tip toed downstairs. I was almost to the front door when I heard a drunken yell.

"Aaand where d-do you thinkkk you're ggoing?"

So close. I stood confidently and replied, "The hell away from you. I'm 18 today. Which means I'm leaving. Forever."

A cold look of hatred slid across my father's face. "Y-You aren't 18. You're uh 14. Yeah that's rrright. You arreee 14."

Jesus he was too drunk to even speak. Nothing new I suppose. "Goodbye, dad." I said sarcastically and walked out the door. I knew that he was way too drunk to try and chase me back into the house. So I guess this is it, my new life begins right now. Where do I start?

After taking a couple buses into downtown I was starting to get hungry. I grabbed my suitcase, thanked the bus driver, and got off the vehicle. I decided it would be easiest to head into Subway. I walked through the front door while getting looks from some people staring at my suitcase. The hell with them, I didn't care, I just want a sub. I walked up to the counter and told the girl everything I wanted on my 6 inch sub, careful not to forget hot sauce. Hot sauce is literally the best thing invented since... no it is the best thing ever invented. Soon it was time to pay.

"$6.23 please" The girl said.

I reached my hand into my pocket to find nothing there. My face went pale. I checked my other pocket, then my back pockets. Nothing. Shit. "Um, I don't have any money."

The girl looked annoyed. "You need to pay. We already wasted all these ingredients making your sub!"

People started to stop eating and turn their heads to look at us. My hands were shaking now. I can't believe I didn't think to grab any money before I left. It's not like I can go back to the house. All I have are a couple of bus tokens! "I'm so sorry. I thought I had money but-"

The girl cut me off "Just get out!"

If people weren't already staring, they sure were now. I quickly ran out of the restaurant. Jeez, what a bitch. What am I going to do now? I am in the middle of LA with no money. This can not be happening, but anywhere is better than home.

I looked around me to see if there was anywhere for me to sit and gather my thoughts. Ah-ha! A bench across the street. That should do fine for now. My mind was wondering as I crossed the street. Then I heard the loud BEEP of a car horn.

-Hey guys! I really hope you liked the first chapter of "Taken" !! Please vote and comment because trust me every vote/comment helps a lot! Thanks for taking the time to read chapter one!-

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