The Polish Question

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October 1, 1933. Aachen, Holy Roman Empire.

Kaiser Wolfgang sits quietly amongst his war council, the man around him bicker and shout, each thinking their idea on how confront the current situation is the best way to handle it. "Mein Kaiser, the uprising in Poland is a Russian issue, and thus should remain as such!" One man shouted. "No! This is an opportunity for us to acquire an ally in the east! This is an opportunity that only a fool would pass up."

The man who's idea behind aiding the rebels was of Polish origin, so his want of aiding his homeland was obvious to all, but it did have some merit behind it. But his idea was held back by others who had rallied around one man who had always favored an Isolationist path for the empire, and his idea also was good.

But in this current political environment, any decision could either be great or disastrous. Aiding the Polish rebels against their Russian overlords could bring the two nations into conflict, but not aiding them would avoid the possible war all together, but Russia would maintain their grip on what is basically the gateway to the west and east. 

Having such a vital geographic position would be perfect for Germany, but the possibility of war with the Russian is to great. The French were already acting like warmongers, stationing a vast number of troops along the border with the HRE. Their King, Lothair IV had already proven himself to be untrustworthy.

His forces threaten the western regions of the empire, which is why the deployment of an army of Wolfgang's own would possibly deter the Franks from carrying out their invasion, or maybe it was an intimation tactic? Nevertheless, the security of the state was important, rather than this rebellion problem.

"Kaiser? Are you listening?" A councilor had been tapped the Kaiser on the shoulder, removing him from his internal thoughts. "Hm? Oh, yes, I'm here." That was a lie, from the very beginning. But he decided to put this little argument to end, "Gentlemen! I think the true problem lies in Gaul, rather the lands of the Rus."

The men sit in spots, confused almost. But one finally got what his lord was putting down, "The Kaiser is right, Lothair is a vicious, crude, and bloodthirsty king, he has already shown that he is willing to start a war with us to serve his own ambitions." The Councilor had laid out his argument with force, the others began to stir, realizing their faults, but a few refused to listen.

"Even if we turn our attention back towards France, what about rebels defeat, what happens then." "Yes, he's right!", Oh boy, here we go again. "If we turn our attention west, the Russians will take advantage of it," His voice shook the room, all eye's were upon him. "Poland is the gateway that Russian soldiers will take to enter Germany, holding them back, even if for a little bit could mean more to us than anything else!"

Wolfgang was growing tired of this, sure, both sides were putting up good arguments, but he was tired of listening to men yell at each other over something that probably wouldn't even benefit them in anyway. So, he called it off, at least for today, "Gentlemen! I believe that it is time for us to stop, hours we have spent talking about Poland, and frankly, my head is beginning to ache from it. We'll reconvene tomorrow, when were all rested and full."

The men then begin to walk out, one by one. Finally! God was that a tiringly painful session. All he wanted to do now was go back to his bed and pass out. Walking out of the room he was meet with an... odd arrival, His eldest son Sigmund, standing in the hallway outside, odd.

They locked eyes, "Father," "Sigmund," They greeted each other, albeit with a tense atmosphere surrounding them. "I heard about todays meeting, interesting developments happening?" Not good signs, not at all. "Yes, we were discussing the situation in Poland. Now that I've answered your question, answer mine, what are you doing here?" "Just curious is all. Besides, it would be improper for me to be unaware of the worlds current events." He did have a point, but it doesn't sit right with Wolfgang, his sudden appearance was the most random thing to happen today.

"Well, it's getting late, should we be off?" Asked Sigmund. Right... going home, all he wanted to do now.

"Say," Sigmund then said, "I've heard something... something that would interest you."

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