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{Zara P.O.V.}

7:00 A.M





Huh? What the f*** is that sound? What time is it?

I grab my phone from my nightstand and I check the time. It was 7:00 a.m. Ughhhh I don't want to wake up! Let me tell you about myself while I scroll through my phone.

Well my name is Zara and I have electric blue hair. I love going to parties, raves, and traveling around the world. My birthday is October 2nd. I'm a Libra and a night owl as well. Ohhhh and I'm a Plur Warrior, such as a kandi kid. And one last thing I work at a music store and I paint as a hobby. I live in an apartment for now in the city of Chicago. Its not that big but good enough for just one person. I plan on moving to Barcelona, Spain because I love the night life so the city is the right place for me.

That's a some stuff about me. I get up and I walk to the kitchen to make myself some pancakes. While I was cooking I realized I work today! After eating my pancakes, I hop into the shower and let the extremely hot water hit my body. While I sing the lyrics to Stole The Show by Kygo ft. Parson James. I think about what I'm going to wear to work today.

The only reason I dress up to work is because I like going out after. After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I go pick out an outfit. I decide to wear black knee high Ralph Lauren Boots, maroon leggings, black fitted tank top, with a grey knitted cardigan. With my hair curled and my jewelry on. I know I know, Fancy. But I decided to go out to eat later on tonight.

11:00 A.M

The music store isn't that far from my apartment so I walk there everyday. My shift starts at 12:00 p.m but I like to look around. I stopped by Corner Bakery to get my lunch. I got a ham, turkey with cheese Panini. With this amazing macaroni alfredo as a side. While I was waiting in line to get my stuff, I saw a bunch of girls giggling outside, but then I forgot Madeon was playing at the House Of Blues tonight. The girls were wearing Adventure sweaters and t-shirts.

"Man, If only it wasn't 21+." I whispered to myself.

12:00 P.M

"And you know what there was so many fan girls while I was walking here. I was like 'STOP SHOVING IT IN MY FACE MAN! I KNOW I CAN'T SEE HIM!"

"Zara you need to chill. You'll see him one day." Braxton told me.

Braxton is my best guy friend. We've known each other for 13 years now.


Why are you so weird and ugly? Lets be friends!

*End Of Flashback*

I still wonder how I'm friends with him.  No, he doesn't like me, he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who complains about everything.

Yeah she hates me. She is like another bimbo. I still don't know why he went with her. She already cheated on him before. People these days man.

"You know what would be awesome. If you saw Madeon when you eat dinner later on." Braxton said to me.

Then I thought about it. Hey it can be possible. But the only thing is that I live in the 3rd biggest city in the U.S and there are tons of restaurants downtown.

"Yeah Braxton, that's not going to happen." I said to him.

2:00 P.M


"Dammit Braxton."

Braxton and I play Uno when it starts to get slow. A lot of people don't come to the music store anymore because they can just buy the music off of iTunes, but I like CDs and vinyl better. Its not the same without them. You know what I mean.

"You know Brit is going to see Madeon tonight." Braxton looked at me.

Brit is our boss. She is 23 and man she can be a bitch. But she can be really cool as well. She said she would send me pictures of the rave, but its better to see everything in person.

5:00 P.M

"Bye Braxton!"

"Bye Zara!"

Finally my shift is over. I decided to go to the French market to get macaroons. Chocolate are absolutely my favorite. While I was walking there I saw more fan girls. Noooooooooo. His show starts at 9:00 ends at 12:00 p.m. Darn Age Limits! Safety first though. Just 3 more years till I'm 21.

After the market I start to walk back home.

6:00 P.M

I walk into my apartment. Hmmm its a bit messy

"I should clean it." I said to myself

"Hahaha Nahh."

Its been a long day so a nap won't kill me. Goodnight for now world!

11:00 P.M





"Hello?" I said in the phone.

"Hey Z! Want to go out tonight with Lynn?" Braxton screamed in the phone.

"BRAXTON YOU WOKE ME UP FROM MY NAP WTF!" I yelled in the phone.

"Sorry Z! Bye." Braxton hung up.

Its 11! I haven't eaten yet! Nothing is open now. Well except my favorite place! The diner which has the best apple pie ever! It should be open. I grab my phone, money, headphones, my drawing materials and then I walk out the door.

11:30 P.M

I walk in the diner and its completely empty. I sit in a both in the far corner by the window. While I order iced coffee and some grilled cheese with an apple pie. I start to listen to Only Way Out By Madeon ft. Vancouver Sleep Clinic, and I'm starting to draw the Chicago sky line.

My food comes and I start to eat.

12:45 A.M

I just started to add the finishing details to my drawing till somebody behind me says,

"That's a really good drawing of the sky line."

I know that voice from anywhere I thought to myself. I look behind and I see the one and only,



{Author's Note}

Hello Loves!!!! This is actually my first ever Fanfic. I really thought about who I should write about and madeon was my first choice. I really hope you guys enjoyed this. Please let me know if I did good. And also comment if you want more and vote!Please spread this book around to others :) Again Thank you so much for reading love you! <3

{Social Media}

Instagram: plurrr_

Snapchat: cutiebear1321

twitter: coming soon!

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