Too soon

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{Author's Note}

Hey loves! I'm still kind of in a writer's block moment, and lately I've just been tired. My phone overheated and I lost some important pictures. Yeah I mean my madeon, M Machine, and Martin Garrix photos, but it was my fault for not turning on iCloud! Any who, here is part 7 of Nonsense... Beach Volleyball. Hope you enjoy! <3

Song of the Chapter: Together by CAZZETTE (Feat. Newtimers)

*Madeon P.O.V  in this chapter*


{Zara P.O.V}

We all walk through out the town trying to find a place to get something to eat before we go back to the hotel. We walk into this make your own burger place. We pay in front and then we grab our plates to get ready to put stuff on our burger. I grab a cheeseburger with bacon and some spices in it. I put all the condiments, and vegetables. I get myself a water with some fries on the side. I wait for the rest of the guys to sit down.

Violet comes back and sits a cross from me from the other end of the table. She looks at my plate then back at me with an emotionless face. I look at her plate and she has a Caesar salad with some water. I don't judge her plate like she did to me. If she is on a diet then good for her.  The rest of the group comes. Tim is on my right while Dillon sits next to him. Then on my left is Martin while Hugo is sitting next to him.

Everybody else is talking except Tim, Martin, and I. I'm normally quiet when I eat because I always ate alone while my parents at work. My brother had baseball so I was alone most of the time. I dip my fries in ketchup, and then I look up to see Dillon, Violet, and Hugo talking. I didn't like the quietness, so I spoke up.

"Uh so how are you guys doing?" I say with a smile.

"Ha I noticed you don't like the quietness." Tim says.

"Yeah... No I don't actually haha, but really how are you guys doing? We never really had a full conversation before."

"Well I've been kind of stressed lately, with the new album coming up and with the shows in Ibiza. It's been tiring." Tim says while taking a bite of his burger.

"How's the breakup going?"

Tim looks at me.

"Right sorry I should've not asked that." I say while my face reddens of embarrassment

"Haha noo its alright. Um well Raquel left my place. I just don't have time for a love life right now. I did love her. I just feel I couldn't show her my love to her that much because of the album and shows I was doing, but things are getting better. But I won't get into another relationship for a while, I will just wait till this settles down."

"I see what you mean. It's hard work to have a love life when your a music producer. Its always busy."

"Yeah some people started bashing on her, but they need to understand that its hard to maintain a relationship when your always busy."

"Yeah I saw that actually. I felt bad for her."

"She was crying but I told her its really hard for me because I can't show her my love when I'm so busy."

"That's understandable. Any who. How about you Martin?"

"Well lets see. Lynn and I are still together. She recently got her art studio, which I'm super proud of her about. The only problem is that I hardly see her, well as Tim says we music producers are always busy." Martin says.

Nonsense {Madeon}Where stories live. Discover now