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{Author's Note}

Hellooooo my people!!! I know I've been gone for soooooo long, but I have some news to tell you! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER. I won't be surprised if I lost some readers. I apologize for not updating and I don't really have an excuse. I've been super unmotivated to do anything this year and to be honest, this has not been my year at all. Mostly, it's personal issues i'm going through, and I just got my molars taken out Friday, so I'm in pain. I'm starting my Freshman year next week and I've been doing marching bad, volleyball, and I was doing summer school (No I didn't fail) to get credits early. ANYWAYS, just a lot has been happening, but good news now, I went to Lollapalooza in the United States and if you guys don't know Lollapalooza in the United States happens in Chicago, IL, which is my home town! That was the fun part and my cousins were here for a month and I was with them most of the time. I'm extremely sorry for not updating in AGES, but now I'm back on track and ready to write a new chapter. I hope you stick around for Chapter 9 of Nonsense! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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