Chapter 5. This is TOTALLY Weird

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"Thanks dad for taking us to school. Have a great day!!!" Jason says opening the door as I follow him out. As I enter the school's doors I am squished, pushed, and even elbowed from all over the place.

'Seriously, this school should get bigger hallways!' I say to myself as I try to squeeze past the crowd. 'Uh, oh. I'm going down!' I say as I'm about to fall to the floor, but midway someone grabs me on the hand and pulls me up.

To my surprise, it was Ross. "Need help?" Ross says smiling back at me. "Uh, yeah. Thanks!" I say smiling back and pulling my hand out of his. Then out of the corner of my eye, I can see a blonde, angry girl with her arms crossed looking towards us. I try to walk to my locker, but instead she calls out my name.

I just ignore it knowing who it is and I eventually get to my locker. Right as I open it someone slams it closed. "What were you and Ross doing?" Someone says, although I know exactly who it is.

"Courtney, there is nothing going on between us. What you just saw was nothing. Nada! Just a person or friend helping out another friend from not falling, that's it." I say turning to look towards her. "Well, I'm letting you off easy just this once, but if I see you again with Ross, I will literally kill you." Courtney says getting closer to my face each time she says a word.

Before you know it, I can feel her breath inhaling and exhaling. "Clear?" Courtney says. "Crystal." I say putting my hands up in surrender. She moves back, straightens her shirt and walks away as if nothing happened.


"So, can I sit with you guys?, again." Ross says taking a seat next to me under the tree. He's been sitting with us at lunch time for the past two weeks. People are starting to stare at us and I think it's kind of weird.

"Ross, Why would you rather sit with us than sit with your teammates?" Autumn asks.

"I guess cause I feel a lot better sitting here with you guys. I don't know if it's the tree, or if I just like the view, or the fact that Melody is really pretty and that I like hanging out with her. It could be any of those things." Ross says quickly especially at the end.

"Wait...What?? You like to sit with Melody?" Jamie says moving her eyebrows up and down constantly. At that moment my cheeks feel hot and I know that I must be blushing. So I try my best to look as calm and not alarmed as possible

"Wait???," Ross says in a high pitched voice "Pff!!, I never said that! I think you guys heard wrong. You know what? I'm thirsty. I'm going to go buy a drink then I'll be right back." Ross says standing up rapidly to go buy a drink.

"I think he likes you Melody." Autumn says taking a bite of her food which is pizza from home. "What? No, I don't think so." I say in a calm voice. "The fact that he was blushing and that he made an excuse to get out of this conversation, definitely has 'Crush' written all over his face." Jamie says looking at me.

"Guys, he left because he was thirsty. Everyone gets thirsty when they eat." I say taking a bite of my hot dog that the school cafeteria served. "Um, it's clear that he likes you. The fact that he said he was going to buy a drink because he was thirsty, well he should know that he has a full Coke bottle on his tray, I think he just created a excuse to avoid this conversation, which clearly shows, that he likes you. End of discussion." Autumn says pointing at Ross's tray.

I turn my head slowly hoping that their isn't a full Coke bottle on his tray and to surprise there is. Dang it! I say to myself. "Ok, well. I guess he had to use the bathroom?" I say sipping on my apple juice.

"So, apparently I had a drink on my tray. So, I just bought this. Want it Melody?" Ross says handing over a Coke to Melody from the cafeteria. "Sure." I say smiling back at him.

"Um, Ross!! Why are you sitting there wouldn't you want to come sit with us?" I hear someone say and I know exactly who, Courtney.

"Well, Courtney for your info, he doesn't exactly have to sit where you tell him too. Anyone can sit wherever they want." Autumn says to Courtney. Courtney just glares at Autumn and tries to grab Ross's hand, but in time Ross moves his hand so it's out of Courtney's reach.

"What are you doing? And Melody, didn't I say I was going to kill you if I see you with Ross?" Courtney says getting annoyed. She attempts again to get his hand, but he moves it, again. "Ross, Don't you want to come sit with us? Don't you want to come sit with me?" Courtney asks in a soft, begging voice.

"Well, maybe, but I like it here. Over there are to many popular girls that don't have fun and what was this about killing Melody? I need some details about that." Ross says standing up.

Courtney just looks at him and says, "Why would you want to know. It's something between me and her and Ross, I thought you were different. I thought that you liked girls like me and I thought that you hated girls like her and that you only cared about girls and sports, but I was wrong. I'm gonna tell your teammates." Courtney says sadly walking away towards her usual table spot. Then she turns around and glares at me and says in a murder voice, "I will get you next time."

"By the way, I already told my teammates about what you just said!!" Ross says yelling back at Courtney.

Clearly interrupting the answer I was going to yell back at Courtney, but I didn't have time because she already turned around and stomped to the table.

Autumn, Jamie, and I all look at Ross confused. 'He told his friends about how he doesn't like girls like Courtney?' As I'm thinking, I snap back to reality finding Ross looking at us confused.

"Are, you guys okay?" Ross says concerned. "Yeah, yeah. Were fine, just a little surprised." Autumn says speaking for all of us.

And to be honest, I am a little surprised at what just happened. Ross turned down Courtney!!! No one in Wonder High has ever turned down Courtney until now.

"Ok, well. The bells about to ring, so I think we should start getting up and to start walking towards our lockers." Jamie says as she grabs her tray of food and takes one last bite.

We all then stand up, walk over to the cafeteria doors, put our trays away and walk towards our lockers to get our books for our next class.

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