Chapter 16. Ethan's Party

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Ross's POV

Once we finished taking off our football equipment. We all, and by all I mean Luke, Ethan, and I, got into my car and I immediately started driving to Melody's house.

"Um, where are we going? We don't usually go this way." I heard Ethan say in the back.

"I know. Just wanted to see which way was shorter. So we can be able to get to our houses as fast as we can because I'm quite tired." I say still looking towards the road. I actually am kind of tired, but not so much that I can't barely walk or if I sit on the couch I won't move. Once I see Melody's house in view I park right next to her house on the road.

"Whose house is this?" Ethan asks as we all get out and walk up towards the door.

"Just quit asking so many questions and walk." Luke says making him be quiet.

Autumn wanted us to go around back while Ethan is not looking so that we can surprise him. So while he is trying to get out of the car (because i kept locking it with my keys) Luke and I run towards the back making sure Ethan doesn't see us. We open the gate and walk towards the back sliding door where we see Autumn waiting for us.

"It's about time! Where is Ethan?" Autumn asks.

"I kept locking the door so he couldn't get out, but maybe he's walking up the door right now, so let's hide?" I say running in past Autumn to find a good hiding spot. Once all the lights are out and we have all hidden, we hear a knock at the door followed by another one a couple minutes later. Then the door opens a little. Ethan then steps in and turns on what he thinks is the light switch and,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Melody, Autumn, Jamie, Luke, and I yell jumping from our spots right as Ethan turned on the lights.

"AHHH!!!" Ethan screams like a little girl, "Oh!, it's just you guys. Thank you."

Autumn then walks up to him and they both peck each other on the lips.

"Ok, enough smooching and let's get the small party on!!!" Melody yells walking towards the TV turning the Wii on. That's my girl. Then everyone looks at me after I said that in my mind.

"Did you just say that's my girl?" Melody asks.

Ok, so I said it accidently out loud. Whoops!

"Um, no.... I said..... that I'm going to beat you on the Wii girl!!!" I say trying to cover up what I had said before.

Melody's POV

As I run over to the TV to turn on the Wii, I hear Ross say 'That's my girl'. I turn around and immediately ask,

"Did you just say that's my girl?"

"Um, no.... I said..... that I'm going to beat you on the Wii girl!!!" Ross says.

"Ok?" I say turning back towards the Wii to put in Just Dance 2016 (AN: I don't know if this is actually out, but I know there will be one soo yeah)

After we had played about ten rounds of Just Dance 2016, to determine the winner, which by the way was me. We all decided to sing happy birthday to Ethan. So I ran to the kitchen grabbing the football shaped cake and walking back out to where everyone is gathered as all eyes land on me.

"Melody!! That is so cool!! Thanks so much!" Ethan says walking over to me and giving me a hug after I had put the cake down on the table.

"Thanks." I say awkwardly since I don't know how to react when someone compliments my work.

"Yeah, I agree with Ethan." Ross says walking over to me to observe the cake a little more.

Once everyone has taken the time to admire my cake work, we finally start lighting the candles, and sing happy birthday. After singing we all cheer while Ethan blows out the candles. I grab the cake cutter cutting it to pieces while everyone grabs a plate. Then we all sit down at the table and eat in silence.

"Let's play a game." Jamie calls out smirking at me, making everyone turn to look at her.

I have a bad feeling as to where this is going.

"What game?" Ethan asks taking a huge bite out of the cake getting frosting on himself.

"Let's play would you rather."

I knew it!, Jamie knows that I dislike this game, yet she always plays it when I'm around.

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