Chapter 20. Girlfriend?

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Ross's POV

I'm waiting by the willow tree at Fortress Park. I check my watch again for like the hundredth time, 8:01.

When I look up all I see is pure darkness. With just a couple of lamp posts lighting up the park. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a dark figure walking towards me. I get up from the ground, and get ready for whoever may be coming. By the time they reach the tree I only realize that it was Melody.

"Oh, geez. I thought you were someone else." I say sitting back down.

"Oh, did you get...... scared?" She asks as she takes a seat next to me.

"Uh, no I didn't. I just didn't want to miss this special moment that I'm going to have with you." I say looking at her.

"Oh, and what's this "special moment" we are going to have?" She asks.

"Well, first off. Do you remember the first time we met?" I ask.

"Well, yeah it was on this hill where you buried a tree. Let's see you said it was a willow tree right?"

"Correct." I answer back.

"So, what does that have to do with this?" She asks, still not knowing that this huge tree we are sitting by is the tree that I had planted.

"Well, isn't this a willow tree?" I ask.

She turns around and observes the tree.

"Well, yeah......"

Few seconds later

"Wait a minute!!! Is this THE tree that you planted the first time we met!!??" She asks in excitement.

"Indeed it is, what other tree could it be?" I say.

"Well, I don't know. But look!!" she stands up and observes the tree, "My gosh!! I remember this being only a seed!! How come it never occurred to me that this is the tree that you planted!!" She asks herself.

I get up and walk over to her. I grab her hands and she turns towards me.

"Listen, Melody. The reason why I asked you to come out here at this time of the night is because I wanted to ask you something." I say, suddenly starting to become nervous.

Melody's POV

"What did you want to ask me?" I ask.

I'm still in awe that this is the tree that he had planted. How come I didn't recognize it. Well, of course it has changed since the last time I saw it because seeds do grow into trees. I must have been blind because....


"AHH!!, yeah? Oh, sorry. I got distracted just thinking that this was the tree that you had planted. What was it that you said?" I ask, now paying full attention to him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

In that moment, I froze in place. Not being able to move. I can feel my body becoming stiff as sweat starts to creep onto my skin. Not ever in my life did I think I would be asked this question, at least for not a couple of years. I still can't believe this is happening, as if on cue my senses come back to reality and Ross's voice is the only thing filling up the quiet night.

"Melody..... Are you ok? Did you hear what I said?" Ross asks waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"What? Oh, yeah.... I heard you." I say.

"So?......" He asks.

I don't know. I mean, at first I had nothing to do with him and then now he wants me to be his girlfriend and... wait... Do I... like him? No you don't. Yes you do. No. Yes. Maybe I should give this a shot? No, not maybe, you should. After all, you liked him in the first place. Wait what?

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend." It was like my lips had a mind of it's own. 

His eyes light up right as I said yes and he immediately picks me up and spins me around like in all those cheesy romance movies.

"You scared me there! I thought you were going to say no and I started thinking 'Oh, she doesn't like me, oh she's going to hate me for this', but I'm glad that you said yes." He says.

"And I'm glad that I had gotten to know you." I say back.

"And I'm glad that I had met you here when I first planted this willow tree." He says.

"Me too."

Maybe I ShouldWhere stories live. Discover now