🕷Spider Queen ×F!reader🕷

312 3 19

Reader: Goddess of darkness
Pronouns used: she/her
Story type: romantic
Requested: yes
Requested by: Catsloveyuo

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

•I don't remember what some of the stuff was called so bear with me lol

•Lots of flirting

•No death for the spider people (they deserve justice)

•Might be short

•scared LBD

•strong Y/n

•cusing cause why not lol

What if Spider queen didn't get killed by the bone bitch? What if her henchmen didn't get killed either? What if she was in a secret relationship with a goddess stronger than LBD herself?


Somewhere in Spider queens fallen kingdom.

No pov:

Y/n, the goddess of darkness, wanted to visit her love.  She did have to be careful though, she didn't want the lady bitch demon to know that she was there. Even though she is stronger than her, she doesn't want to make her know that she is there plus she doesn't want Spider queens henchmen to know about them being together. It was what Spider queen requested of her to do. They have been dating for centuries and do plan on getting married when SQ wants to tell her henchmen that she has a girlfriend

Y/n was moving in the darkness, close to what Maquae can do but is a mist of black fog/smoke/ of the whole kingdom. She had to admit that this place was creepy yet beautiful at the same time. The landscape was huge and had one of y/n's favorite things about it, the one and only spiders. Moving to where SQ was she could sense an odd presence, wait never mind it the bitch demon.

*why the fuck is she here?* Y/n thought, she doesn't like LBD because of what he plans on doing in the future for her bullshit talk about "her destiny ".

Moving closer, she could hear the conversation LBD and SQ were having. It was something about SQ not getting her destiny filled. The conversation didn't last long until she hear SQ's mech body start to get demolished. Now, this triggered something in Y/n. She immediately forced a dark smoke to go all around LBD, SQ, and a random man dressed in a suit. LBD stopped her attack as she froze in fear.

*W-why is she here??* LBD was questioning why the hell the goddess that can take her down in an instant was here. Her chain thingies disappeared off of SQ dropping her to the ground with a hard thud.

"Why th-the h-hell are y-you here?"

Y/n did not respond, her glowing bright e/c eyes staring down at LBD with anger. Why was Y/n mad well, LBD was planning on killing her lover just so she can get her fucking destiny. She instantly grabbed LBD and the random guy and teleported them somewhere far, just a few minutes far away from their location. She planned to make a force field around the entire Spider kingdom, blocking all exits and entrances.

She went back into her natural form and looked at her now harmed lover.

"Are you alright love? Did she hurt you badly?"

SQ pov:

I was close to being killed when I felt a new presence an all too familiar one. *°Y/n? What is she doing here?°* A black fog/smoke covered everyone that was sounding the pot thing. I look up to see two glowing bright eyes staring daggers at LBD. She was frozen in fear? That's odd she was a creepy demon and yet she is frozen with fear because of y/n? That's confusing I will ask y/n about it later, but right now I want to know what she plans to do.

"Why th-the h-hell are y-you here?"

I hear LBD stutter out a question. Wow, she was terrified of y/n. She didn't get a response from y/n instead she and her creepy right-hand man all vanished but then the balcony smoke turned into my sweet dull light.

"Are you alright love? Did she hurt you badly?" She asked cupping my face with her soft warm hands.

"°I am fine, just hit the ground hard and my spider mech legs are smashed.°"

"Oh sugar, let me help you rebuild it. Can't let a beautiful woman do some heavy work.

"As if I would let you do my work for me, your grace.

Y/n leans in close to my face. She moves her (dominant hand) up to my lips making her thumbs move some dust off my cheek.

*°dame I was expecting her to kiss me. I will do it myself then.*

I grab her face and pull her into a gentle kiss. Y/n didn't mind cause I could see her a bit of frustration.

"As the goddess of darkness, I should have been the one to kiss the women I just saved," Y/n pouts a bit but smiles as she brings me into a gentle yet hard kiss.

*°God, she was always a good kisser. Might just ask her to marry me right n-°*

*Ting*  *ting* (metal falling on the ground)

Y/n pov:

SQ and I  snapped our heads in the direction the metal pole fell. SQ's emerald eyes widened with some fear but more embarrassment. All three of her henchmen were standing behind a pile of metal scraps with shocked expressions.

*oooooh shit*

"Hello boys," I say gently letting go of my girlfriend.

OH hello Ma'am umm what are you doing with our queen," the buff spider asked.

"•YEAH WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU DOING TO HER," yelled the grayed haired spider.

"°•She was kissing our queen. Why tho?" said/asked the green hair spider l.

"Well I was FUCKING YOUR MOM SPI-" my mouth was covered by SQ


*haha she is so funny som- wait.   DID SHE CALL ME HER WIFE?!?!?!?* my face reddens.

The spider henchmen all gasp in shock. I just blush in shock, and then I stand up. SQ lifts one of her legs and digs inside her pockets. I covered my mouth with both of my hands. Tears start to make their way to the side of my eyes.

*Is this happening*.

She pulls out a purple, green box from her pocket. When she opened it there sitting on the cushion of the box was a spider-like ring with a medium-sized diamond in it.

"°Y/n my love, umm we have been dating for a long time now and kept it a big secret from my henchmen, but I don't care right now. Right now I just wanted to ask you to be in my life forever until our lives end. So, y/n, the goddess of darkness, will you marry me and become my wife?"

Tears all ready running down my face made SQ look at me worried. A big smile grows on my face as I talked her into a big hug.


She pulled me into a big kiss.

No pov:

The spider bois were shocked still but looked happy that their queen was happy and getting married. Even though they didn't know about SQ's secret girlfriend, now her feansay, they could see she loved the goddess dearly.


Mayor: umm my lady?


Mayor: well I did just get a text from my boyfriend Syntax and he said that the queen just proposed to the goddess

LBD: WHAT? even if I try to kill SQ, she will kill me right after or even before. Wait did you just say, boyfriend?



Ending: heartwarming

Bonus ending: boyfriend found out


Hope this story was to your liking and see you after I finish watching lego monkey kid season 4.

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