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Welcome to my new book! As said in the description, this is just a fanwork of the event, Squid Craft 2! I really enjoyed watching it so I decided to make it into a story. 

A few points before you start:

- this will be in POV of their characters in squidcraft. Not the cc's.

- there will be dnf but you can read it as romantically or platonically

- it will generally follow the storyline but I might add a few scenes and it will definitely not be direct translation

- there will angst because I made this to practice my angst writing 

- everyone (even the spanish creators) will speak english in this because I can't understand spanish and I don't want to fuck it up lmao

- i update very slowly lol

I will aim to complete this book very soon because I do want to get back to my other fanworks as I'm putting those on hiatus for now. HOWEVER, I will not guarantee anything

Squid Craft 2| A Dream Team Based StoryWhere stories live. Discover now