Chapter 1

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TW: Blood, guns, kidnapping, fucking murder games. Everything that happens in squidcraft will happen in this book. 

Sapnap POV

I woke up, groaning at the sharp pain in my arm. I heard a lot of rustling and talking around me. Sitting up, I looked around. At first, I was confused. Then I realized what was happening. Everyone around me was wearing a turquoise jumper with a number on it. I looked down at mine. #188. 

"Sapnap?" A familiar british voice said. I turned around and my face lighted up when I realized George was here. 

"GEORGE!" I shouted gleefully. He laughed, before wincing at the pain. 

"Where are we?" He asked. I shrugged, continuing to look around. The floor was tinted yellow and the walls were white. Lines and lines of bunk beds were stacked up on each other. There were definitely hundreds of people here. 

"Sap?" I turned around and was met with a familiar blonde. I grinned at the sight of my other best friend. 

"Woah. Dream? You're here too?" George asked, a puzzled look on his face. Dream just shrugged. 

"This place is creepy." Dream whispered. 

"How did you guys get here? I just called a phone number I found and the next thing I know. BOOM! I'm here." I said. They both nodded, telling me that they had similar stories. 

"I recognize some of the people here." George said. I looked around at the people. A few familiar faces from high school appeared. His name is... Karl? I think. Oh! And that's Quackity. I remember when he set off the fire alarm. 

We were approached by a young man. 

"Hello! My name is Spreen." He said. He had a bright smile on his face and held out his hand. Dream took his hand, shaking it. 

"Dream. He's George, and that's Sapnap." 

"Hey." George said, laughing nervously. 

"British one! I'm Spanish. It's very nice to meet you three." 

I opened my mouth, about to greet him when guards stormed into the room. They were wearing bright red, some of them having circle, and others with triangles. Instantly, the room went silent, everyone staring at the guns in their hands.

There was silence lingering in the air for a while before someone screamed. "THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US ALL! HELP! HELP!" The screaming continued, freezing me in my place. I stood there, horrified by what was happening. What the fuck is going on? Why are we all dressed the same, why are these guards holding guns, what is this place. AM I BEING ABDUCTED?

I didn't realize I was squeezing Dream's arm until now, giving him an apologetic glance. He shook his head, smiling before taking my hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Quiet." the command echoed through the room but the woman didn't stop screaming. One of the guards raised their gun before shooting her dead. 

"Player 452, eliminated." 

There was dead silence. Not a single soul dared to move an inch. I could feel George shaking beside me and I took his hand in mine. This is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in my life. 

"Hello to the 500, now 499 participants. You are all in serious debt and are here to pay off your debts. You will participate in a series of games, each testing different abilities and strengths of the human body or mind. Each game will eliminate players, accumulating more money. The last player will accumulate all the money for a total of  $100, 000."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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