chapter 7

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Ez woke up hearing soft voices , drawers opening and closing.

"Illiana you look fine stop stressing!" A voice exclaimed.

"I can't stop stressing!" The teen exclaimed not so quietly.

"Ezekiel tell her she looks fine , I know your awake!" Jackie said snatching the pillow out from under his head.

"es demasiado pronto para esta mierda nena." Ez groaned.

(it's too fucking early for this shit babe.)

"Don't give me that shit , you decided to adopt a teen with a woman you barely know, so goddamnit your gonna help me with her issues , tell her she looks fine!" Jackie said wacking him with the pillow.

"You look fine kid , there can I sleep now?" Ez said raising a brow.

"I have a date and I need to be ready , Ez You didn't even look!" Illiana exclaimed.

"A date?, your like twelve , I'll grab my gun." Ez said raising a brow.

"Im sixteen asshole!, also Natalia is a girl , Fuck it I look fine ! You guys shouldn't worry atleast I won't get pregnant." Illiana exclaimed rushing out.

"Debería haberlo visto venir, ella y Gilly discutieron todo el día ayer sobre quién era más sexy, Jennifer Lopez o Selena Gomez." Ez said, noticing that the woman infront of him was in a robe with No bra on.

(Should've seen that coming , her and Gilly argued all day yesterday about who was hotter , Jennifer Lopez , Or Selena gomez)

"Quit staring!, i know my boobs look good, its must suck cause your never gonna see em'." Jackie said wacking him.

"My kitchen better be spotless Ezekiel, SPOTLESS!" Jackie said wagging her finger at him.


"That was amazing!" Natalia exclaimed.

Illiana laughed as the two walked out of the cinema.

"Im mean it was like WAM! and she was like BONK!" The girl exclaimed wrapping an arm around Illiana.

"It was amazing , Just like you." Illiana winked as a raindrop fell from the sky.

"Oh my god are we gonna kiss , in the rain , a rain kiss , am -" Natalia was cutoff by a soft kiss.

"I got a rain kiss!" Natalia exclaimed as rain poured down.

"Yes you did." Illiana laughed as Natalia cheered at the sky.


"You two kissed in the rain!" Jackie exclaimed laughing.

"Ye-" Illiana was cut off as the boys came into the house, Ez kissing Jackie on her temple.

Which prompted Jackie to wack him , a common occerance in this household.

"Anyways! We kissed in the rain, it was like BAM! magic and rainbows." Jackie exclaimed standing on the counter.

"Who kissed who , do we need to get our guns , your like twelve." Hank said as Illiana let out an offended noise.

"One im sixteen, Two she is mwah, as in amazing , and I put the moves on her." Illiana said.

"I fucking knew it!, Pay up Gilly I told you she wasn't straight." creeper said.

"Fuck thats fifty bucks!" He exclaimed.

"I'll take that!" Illiana said snatching the dollar rushing to her room cackling.

"My Kids a fucking f-" Bishop started untill Jackie pushed him.

"Finish that fucking sentence, finish it bitch I dare you!,and she's my damn kid,Mine,not yours,your no father,not to her,you don't get to start acting like one , not unless she wants to bond with you , but untill then, you have no right to judge,so go on finish that fucking sentence bitch!" Jackie said starting to rant.

"Camilia,Bishop I think you guys better go,except Angel who's staying on the couch.

The guys dragged him out , Angel coughing awkwardly.

"Imma just- Y'know ." He said going to the living room.

"Camila-" Ez started until she growled.

"I've told you he wasn't welcomed here, the others yes,but not him, what if Illiana was down here Ez,She doesn't need any of his shit!" Jackie exclaimed.

"Hey,Hey!,I know I should've asked you first,It was on short notice-" Ez started.

"Club shit stays in the Club,Ezekiel,Fuck we sound like a damn married couple!" Jackie exclaimed wacking him.

"Ow!,your the one always starting arguments!" Ez said as he grabbed her wrist.

"Because you always cause the issues,now if you excuse me , Im going to have a nice bath,and Angel better not snore,you can here everything in this damn house!" She exclaimed.

"Damn." Ez murmered as he heard a beer bottle open.

"What?" Angel said sipping on his beer.

As Jackie was about to enter her room, arms wrapped around her waist.

Illiana had small smile on her face.

"You heard all of that didn't you?" Jackie questioned.

"Like you said,You can hear everything in this damn house." Illiana laughed.



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Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now