chapter 16

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"Fuck." Jackie said as She felt somthing , a month had passed , she was starting to show , She had also met Natalia's parent , who were a bit weary of their daughter being in a relationship with someone who had ties to the Mc.

But they ended up loving her , in fact She and Illiana will be stopping by for ahwhile , while the guys dealt with shit.

"Qué pasa?" Ez asked turning , kissing her neck.

"I think - Fuck! Your kids kicking." Jackie laughed , taking Ez's hand , placing it on her stomach.

"Damn that's a hell of kick." Ez said with a laugh , kissing her temple.

"Any news about Creeper?" Jackie asked tracing his arm.

"Nothing yet." Ez said kissing her.

"Me and Illiana are heading over to Natalia's , Fuck Ez ." Jackie said , softly grunting as He kissed her neck .

"Solo ten cuidado amor, iré a buscarlos a ustedes dos en el camión después, solo llama." Ez said as The two got ready too start their days.

(Just be careful love , I'll come get you two in the truck after , just call.)


TW : GUNSHOTS,DEATH,AND GET YOUR TISSUE'S READY FOR TEARS. if you follow my tiktok:zaenighteditz , you probably figured out which scene this is.


"Alright So you thought of any names yet?" Natalia's mother , Becky , asked her , she was a sweet woman , her husband Keith , was at work , but he was nice when they first met.

"We were thinking Esmae "Marisol" Reyes for a girl ,after our mothers , And Ezra for a boy." Jackie laughed as The two girls said they were going outside.

It was going good , Jackie and Becky laughing ,Becky describing how her pregnancy was , the two even spoke about weird food cravings.

And then it happend Jackie placed a hand over her stomach , grabbing Becky , the two going too the floor as Two shots rang out , a loud groan filled the air , and another shot rang out , the two mothers rushed outside seeing their daughters on the floor.

"NATALIA!" Becky exclaimed rushing to her daughter as Jackie rushed to Illiana who was next to her , an inch away.

"Oh my god , Oh no- hey your
gonna be okay , you two will be okay." Jackie said said reaching her Phone calling 911.

"I- dont wa-want to die , M-mom Im sc-scared." Illiana said in pain , it was the first time she called her mom.

"Nata-Natalia come on wake up baby , oh god , oh my baby ." Becky cried as The ambulence arrived.


When Ez got the call , the whole club rushed to the house , seeing the ambulence , what hurt the guys more seeing a kid sized body bag , and based off the reaction from Becky , It was Natalia , who the club grew to care for as Illiana brought her around .

Becky screamed and cried as Her husband rushed to her , She was holding onto Jackie , who had tears coming down her face.

"My little girl , my baby , oh no , no!" Keith exclaimed crying going over to the body bag that was unzipped , falling to the floor , Becky went over to her husband.

Ez rushed to Her as the others wondered what the hell happened.

"What happened , are you okay!? , what the hell , Illiana is she -" Ez said checking her face , as Jackie grabbed his hand pulling him into a hug ,crying.

"We were all fine , the girls went outside , and then an hour later their were gunshots , we ran outside , Oh fuck Ez it was bad , It was the fucking neighbour , He just shot at them , Na-Natalia died right away , Illiana had a mini gun on her , for protection, and killed him , Oh fuck ez , She was so scared ez , she passed out , she screamed when she heard Natalia was dead , it was so loud." Jackie cried.

"Te tengo mi amor, está bien, vamos a estar bien, joder, te tengo." Ez said as she hugged him tighter , crying , all he could do was close his eyes and hold her.
(I've got you my love , its okay , we're gonna be okay , fuck I've got you.)

I warned you guys 🤧

-----------------I warned you guys 🤧------------

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