trailer court tigers win 4-3 in over time

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The trailer court tigers in Regina to win the cup from Regina and trailer court tigers were doing good on the ice as Regina tried to fought back and the game was at 1-1 tie game Regina fans didn't like the trailer court tigers at all trailer court tigers were everywhere all over Regina and Regina scored make It a 1-2 advance of the game the trailer court tigers had to get back in the game then we took it and scored tied up the game 2-2 were going to win the cup we just need stay ahead of Regina the home team of Regina were watching the game on TV at home across the city of Regina the home crowd of Rocanville was watching the game as well as the trailer court tigers and Regina battle for the cup this was Regina's last time with their last battle of the cup Regina was not able to get the cup Regina scored make it 2-3 Regina was just getting closer to retaining the cup from the trailer court tigers but the trailer court tigers fans were watching the game across the town of Rocanville 2300 homes 1300 people who were watching the game wanted the trailer court tigers to bring home the cup from Regina the Tigers scored make it a 3-3 tie again the trailer court tigers and Regina went into overtime it would take one wrong mistake and we would out of the season tigers listen up one shot is all it takes once overtime started we need to win this final shot over time was still going ahead with the Tigers and Regina battled for the cup Regina scored the refs looked at the video the refs told the crowd what the play was after review of the the call on the stands no goal this means that the ot period continued going 7:25 7:24 7:23 the trailer court tigers win in the over time period with 7:23 left in the ot period the cup was ours tears began to shed across the stands 1300 people in Rocanville also had tears in their eyes the photos of the 4 family members would be proud of us winning the cup I said I hugged and cried my eyes out that was for my four family members I said between sobs Regina did really well and with that the trailer court tigers are looking to host the cup again next year see you in Rocanville next year for the cup again Regina I couldn't believe it I sat in my Nissan p12 and continued to sob that we are the south east hockey league cup champions now

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