Teen Pregnancy - Jaden Walton

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(Edited) ⚠️: Teen parents (16-17 years old), parents yelling

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⚠️: Teen parents (16-17 years old), parents yelling

Jaden invited you and you guys' 3 month old son, Noah, to his baseball game. You got pregnant because you and Jaden weren't careful, but you don't regret it because now you have the most adorable baby ever. You had nothing to do so you decided why not go and surprise him by dressing up your guys' son in a cute baseball onesie with some sweatpants. You finished dressing Noah in his outfit, not forgetting to put some lotion.

You got yourself dressed after putting the baby down

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You got yourself dressed after putting the baby down. You grabbed your keys and purse before placing the baby in the car seat. Jaden's parents and siblings were all going in one car while you and the baby in your car.

You drove carefully and in no time, you arrived. Jaden had gotten there before you guys to practice before the game. You get out and place the car seat on the stroller. You make sure the baby is secured before following the rest of the family. You sat by Jayla, watching Jaden talk to him teammates.

"Hey, can you watch Noah for a second? I'm going to go say hi to Jaden" You ask, looking at Jayla, while pointing at the car seat in the middle of you two.

"Yeah, sure" Jayla started playing with the baby, making noises at him which caused him to laugh. You smile at the noises, approaching Jaden and hugging him from behind, interrupting his conversation with one of his teammates.


Jaden turned around at the sound of your voice, smiling when he saw you smile at him. "Hey, babe" He hugs you back, placing a kiss at the top of your head. "Where's Noah?"

"With Jayla. He wishes you good luck, by the way" You chuckle when you see Jaden raise an eyebrow almost as if to say 'really?'.

You had yet to show Jaden the outfit you dressed Noah in. Since there was still a couple of minutes left until the game, you thought now was a good time to show Jaden. "Wait, I have a surprise for you"

"What is it?"

"Wait here"

You approach Jayla and take the baby in your arms. Noah sees his father and babbles. Jaden feels his heart melt upon seeing his son.

"Omg, no way." Jaden takes the baby into his arms. He lifts him up in front of him, smiling. "Look at you, son, so handsome like your father."

You roll your eyes playfully. Jaden's coach calls him. Jaden hands the baby to you, kissing your forehead.

"Go sit with them, I'm going to go."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, baby." He kisses your forehead, making you smile.

You go back to your seat, keeping Noah in your lap. While waiting for the game to start, you got a flashback, all of the sudden, from when your parents found out about your pregnancy.


You sob in the bathroom, holding the pregnancy test in your grip. Your mom and dad came into the bathroom, having heard you crying.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Your mom asks you, kneeling in front of you worried. Your dad is standing by the doorway. You show your mom the test in your hand, watching her carefully. She, along with your father have shocked looks on their faces. "Are you kidding me?!" She yells, causing you to flinch.

"I'm sorry-" You begin to speak, but your parents start yelling at you. They tell you how you could have been a slut and dumb. They tell you what a irresponsible parent you were going to be. By the end of it, they kicked you out. You had nowhere to go until you went knocking on the Walton's, your boyfriend, Jaden, being the one to open the door to see your red, puffy face. He pulled you into his room, not wanting his parents to see you like this.

After sitting on his bed, you told Jaden about your pregnancy and your parents kicking you out. His family has been supportive ever since you both decided to tell them about it.

Flashback over

You feel a hand on your arm, snapping you out of your flashback. Jayla looks at you, worriedly. "You okay?"

You look at her, holding Noah in your lap. "Yeah, just got a flashback."

"Tell me later?" She asks, receiving a nod from you. Jayla and Javon had become your best friends, who you could talk to and had been so supportive of your pregnancy along with Jaden. Daelo comes to sit next to you, asking a question.

"Can I hold Noah?" He asks, his adorable face making it impossible for you to say no.

"Of course." You carefully hand Noah to Jaden's younger brother. Daelo makes silly faces at the baby, smiling when he starts laughing cutely.

The game starts and throughout the game, Noah claps and smiles every time he sees his father. Even though he can't really see his face due to the helmet Jaden was wearing. Jaden's team had won. He said it was because his two lucky charms were there to cheer for him. You and Noah.

893 words

This is my favorite imagine I have written so far. It's adorable. Keep requesting more ideas, my babies! See you in the next chapter. Love ya! Muah! 💋

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