Chapter 1

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July 7, 1999

" Evan, Come on we're gonna be late" Maddie yelled up the stairs.

" I'm coming " I yelled, running down the stairs, almost falling down them.

" Careful" Maddie said once I got down stairs, messing with my hair.

We went out to the car, I hoped in the back, and Maddie got in the front. She started the car, handing me my water bottle, a granola bar, some paper, and a few pens and pencils. We then started our way through the neighborhood, heading towards the elementary school. I drew a picture of some trees, a road, some houses, and a family. It was looking pretty good if I do say so myself, Maddie was focused on the road as she drove. I looked out the window of the Toyota Camry, watching as the trees, cars, and people went by.

" Maddie?"

" Yes evan?" She said, keeping her eyes on the road.

" Where's Maeve? "

" She wasn't feeling well today, so she stayed home." Maddie said, pulling into the parking lot of the school building.

" Oh." I said, sadness in my voice.

Maeve was my twin sister, we were also with each other since we were born. I was older than her by about 5 minutes, and used it against her all of the time. Lately everyone had been sad though, maybe it was something I did? That's what it normally is when my parents seemed sad, or mad, or upset, basically however they were feeling I was the one to blame for it. I don't know why they don't like me though, maybe im just unlikable. I spent most of my time either at school, hanging out with Maddie, or doing something with maeve.

" Evan, it's time for school. I'll see you later today to pick you up ok? I love you, have a good day" Maddie said, smiling at me as I opened the door, and grabbed my bag and lunch.

" Bye Maddie!" I said, closing the door, watching as she drove off before going into the building.

The day was pretty boring with Maeve not being there. I didn't have many friends at school, I mainly hung out with my sister, or my best friend Liam. At recess is sat on the curb of the sidewalk, not really wanting to play today. I fidgeted with a small smooth rock I found on the ground in front of me, using my thumb to trace it in my hand. I kept doing that for a while, zoning out at some point until I felt something tap my shoulder, and jumped.

" Oh, I didn't mean to scare you honey, but why aren't you playing with the other kids?" A teacher I don't recognize said, moving her hand and gesturing towards the children playing all around on the playground.

" Don't want to." I said quietly. I didn't know the teacher well enough to fully engaged in conversation with her. I just kept tracing the rock, keeping my eyes on the pavement.

" What was that? Could you please speak up when your talking to people? " She said, squatting down to my level, trying to get me to make eye contact with her.

I shook my head, moving away from her and sitting down again. The rest of recess went on, the teacher still trying to talk to me about why I wasn't playing with the rest of the kids, until I snapped.

" I JUST DONT WANT TO" I yelled, throwing the rock a few feet in front of me, getting up to grab it back.

" Now that is no way to speak to people Evan. Come on, office now. I don't know how it is at your house but here, this behavior will not be accepted." The tracker said sternly, grabbing my wrist tightly, moving me inside the building and to the office.

The office people talked for a bit as I sat down in the chair I had been instructed to sit in. I was angry. I sat there for what felt like forever before I saw a white Toyota Camry pull up, Maddie. She didn't seem to be happy as she walked up to the school.

" Mrs. Buckley, hello, please right this way. " The office lady said, leading Maddie towards where the principals office was. I was lead in next.

On the way home Maddie didn't talk much.

" I'm sorry." I said, tears poking the back of my eyes, waiting to come streaming out.

" I know you are Evan, but you can't yell at people, especially teachers." She said, turning the corner.

" She wasn't listening to me. " I said, looking out the window silently, until we got home.

" Come on, mom and dad will be home in like an hour." Maddie said, opening my door and grabbing my stuff from the car.

I was happy to be home, not so happy about being in trouble though. I ran straight towards Maeve's room, opening the door and running straight towards her.

" Maeve" I said, giving her the biggest hug I could.

" Hey Ev" she said, hugging me back.

" How are you feeling? How has your day been? What have you been up to?" I asked, sitting right next to her on the bed.

" I'm feeling ok, my days been slow, nothing much except sleeping for the most part." She answered, scooting closer to me. " What are you home so early?"

" I got in trouble for yelling at a teacher." I said, tilting my head down towards the floor.

" Did they not leave you alone again? " She asked, taking a sip of water.


We sat there in silence, just me and her, that's all I needed. Maddie, me, and Maeve. Now it would just be me and Maeve though, Maddie would be moving in with her boyfriend Doug at the end of the month. Then she would be gone, just like everyone else. Maybe I just shouldn't get close to people anymore, then I couldn't get hurt by anyone ever again.

" Promise we'll always be there for each other, ok?" I said, holding out my pinky.

" Promise "

The promise didn't last....... At least not forever.

Through The Blinds • Evan " Buck" Buckley •Where stories live. Discover now