Tours & Hormones

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12 P.M.: Boarding Time!

Johannes, Tim, Jonas, John and Henrik all piled into the van to get from Gothenburg to Stockholm International Airport. It was their first time going to Venice Beach in their entire career as Avatar. It was their first step into exploration in The States.

3 A.M.: the first day in America;

Of course, it was very late,for them, at least. The jet lag had taken a toll on all of them, Tim the most out of the five of them. Henrik had slept the entire plane ride, while everyone else was simply looking out of the windows at the whipped and fluffy clouds below them. It was fascinating, the patterns of them all.

5 A.M.: They had landed not too long ago, in Venice Beach, California. The sun was warm and welcoming, and the weather was beautiful. The first golden rays of light had been a healthier substitute to the morning coffee, along with a celebratory group hug for a successful landing.

5:30 A.M.: They were shown into their hotel with their luggage in hand. The room was spacious enough for all of them to have their own bed, and their own bureau for storage. The first thing they all did was called dibs on the beds and run around the dormitory like kids in a candy store. Tim was the only one out of the five that was sleeping, like a little baby. Everyone else seemed to have loads of energy and didn't even have breakfast or coffee.

They all had settled in to their new dormitory. And, just like always, they were back on the road to talk about performance. They had a strict schedule to follow, and every time they were in a new country, it got easier and easier to get on the ball. Everyone got along just fine, but it took some adjustment. They all had stopped at a nearby cafe and sat down for some coffee and maybe a scone or two.

"Tim, you're being a bit quiet." Kungen commented on Tim's behavior. He simply just shrugged his shoulders casually and took a sip of coffee. Johannes was sitting next to him, and Tim noticed how pretty he looked with his hair in the fashion he had it that day. It was well groomed and almost looked longer than what it was. Henrik and Johannes were having an indistinct conversation. Henrik saw Tim looking at Johannes, and looked him in the eye, making curiosity rise in the man in front of him. Johannes looked at Tim, blue eyes meeting brown. Tim pretended to look off into space when he looked at him. Johannes leaned forward to look directly into his eyes. Tim's eyebrows lowered in confusion. They both laughed, Johannes' pearly white teeth showing. They both grabbed their mugs and took a sip of coffee. After that little laugh they shared, it was right to business. Their manager had gotten to the cafe a bit late after they all had settled in. They talked about how all of the performances should be exactly the same, and take the same amount of time, each performance. They all had no other choice but to listen, there were no other conversations to dive into and drown this one out and there were no T.Vs.

"So your first show, in three days, will be at six and end at about eleven. I'll have the song list posted in the studio." He seemed to go on and on. He wouldn't stop going on these little tangents aside from the business talk.

"Which album are we doing? Just for a heads-up." Tim finally said something. After the long, anticipated while.

"Hail The Apocalypse and Black Waltz. And actually one song from Avatar. Anything else?" No one said anything more. He said his goodbyes and left them to their coffee and scones. Their tour manager had walked in and took them them to the studio just past their hotel.

8:40 A.M.: The instruments were already set up and ready to use. Everyone sat in little chairs, in a semi-circle around where the microphone stood. They weren't using it, it was just there, almost for decoration. Everyone was playing well, and singing well. They were practicing the acoustics, first and then the melodic metal. Tim was listlessly playing everything through memory, and stopping only when Johannes needed help from the vocal coach, which wasn't very often. Tim felt kind of out of it, and homesick. It never got this hot in Sweden, and he assumed that he missed the cold Stockholm winds and the crisp blue skies.

12 P.M.: Getting Used To The City; Tim had woken up a little bit more as the day progressed. The sunlight was getting to be it's ripest shade of gold, and the sky was no longer purple-ish orange. It was lunch time, and the perfect opportunity to explore Venice Beach, California. They had eaten at a small family-run restaurant, that had Lithuanian background. The family oriented atmosphere put a smile on all of their faces, and they left the restaurant with good moods. After that, it was straight back to practice. After practice, it would be very late, and past dinner. They had to get as much sleep as possible, because they had to wake up at 2 in the morning, the next day to get as much practice in.

2:30 A.M.: The Incident..; The next day's sunlight came in through the window. It had only been 30 minutes since everyone had been woken up. Everyone threw on some comfortable clothes and shoes. Tim passed Johannes and his hand slipped. Johannes gained a small blush on his face when it happened. Tim had just touched one of his best friends in a tender area. Maybe on purpose? Maybe on accident?

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