Kyssen (The Kiss)

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Tim had known that it wasn't their first time kissing, but in front of all of those people... it seemed like it was their first time. Ten thousand people were watching them both, two men kissing on stage seems pretty unexpected, but they can't rewind that day, relive it the way they wanted it to go, without the Kiss.. it was strange, the way it happened, and the response that they received in the end.
6:20 P.M.; Concert Time: It was show time, and the crowd was starting to cheer for them. They all just stood around, drinking water and watching all of the crew members get the curtains set up for the entrance. The crowd was expected to be in the 10,000s tonight, and they didn't even seem any bit nervous about it. Tim went over to Johannes an stood there in front of him, keeping his eyes on the Stage Right Crew work the curtain ropes. He grabbed the other man's cold hand in attempt to make it warmer. They both smiled at each other as Johannes grabbed Tim's other hand.
"On minute to curtain!" One of the crew members yelled the warning from the auditorium back entrance. Tim and Johannes started zoning out and looking- losing themselves in each other's eyes. The gap between them gradually started to close. The second ticked away from them, and they kissed as the curtains opened. Johannes forced himself away from the brunette as the crowd went completely silent. That most certainly wasn't expected. As far as the fans knew, Johannes had a girlfriend, so why was he kissing this other guy who he had only associated with when his friend left for a different career. They both brushed off the previous moment and took their seats next to the others, who were just starting to sit down near their instruments. Tim's face had gone completely red then to pale and he seemed almost embarrassed about what happened. He knew that after this day, all of the interviewers were going to be asking him questions about what happened between him and Johannes. He couldn't predict the future, maybe it would happen that way, maybe it won't. There was no telling, just going along with it.
10:19 P.M; After-Concert Celebration: They had went back to their hotel, the tire of a long day, no where to be found, and the night young enough to enjoy a cup of Venice Beach Frozen Yogurt. They had found the machine in the cafeteria, which had just randomly appeared out of thin air. They all sat around, enjoying their personal cups of frozen yogurt in their pajamas. The was iHome playing their playlists of their favorite songs. Johannes and Tim were comfortably sitting on the carpeted floor and enjoying their frozen yogurt while listening to the already playing music. Henrik came up to Tim on the floor.
"Hey, Tim, can I talk to you? Without Johannes?" He said it in Lithuanian. Johannes didn't understand him. Only Tim and Henrik spoke Lithuanian. Tim nodded and set his yogurt down on the floor.
"Don't eat my yogurt, Johannes." He shrugged in a 'no promises' sort of fashion. Henrik lead Tim out of the room, and into the hallway, far away from the room.
"So, Tim... tell me what that was on stage." He stood in front of him, the intrigue evident on his face. Tim couldn't be sure if the intrigue was sincere or not.
"Uh.. Johannes and I might have kissed?.." He said as if it didn't happen, and that there were more than one things that happened.
"Oh. I was wondering, because you looked very röd." That Swedish accent would never go away. He still said 'red' like English was a branch of Swedish vernacular. "But if that's all that what happened, then I worried for nothing."
"Wait, you worried?" This was news. Henrik worried for him. And for what? There was nothing to worry about. Tim was a grown man, he can handle his own. And if he needed help, needed someone to worry, he would know who to go to. Johannes was his go-to guy, and he didn't need anyone else to be worried for him, accept Johannes.
"Well, yes. You are such a good friend to me, and I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to perform. If me worrying for you is not necessary, then I won't." Tim smiled at the blonde haired man and gave him a hug before they walked back to the room.
When Tim looked at his yogurt cup, half of it was gone.
"Du fettsyra! You ate my yogurt!" He pushed the black haired man on his side and took his seat next to him, staring angrily at the half empty cup of purple yogurt left in the cup. Johannes kept that smug smile on his face, and offered some of his yogurt.
"Take some of mine. I don't need it exactly." Tim gladly took up his offer. With his free hand, Johannes placed his hand on Tim's knee. The cold of Johannes' hand didn't even affect him anymore, it was like he somehow knew when Johannes was about to touch him and his hypothalamus automatically adjusted to match the same body heat. He felt so strange when this happened, because he was so used to being left with this cold spot wherever he was touched, and that somehow went away, almost like they were in perfect sync with each other. "I love you, Tim Öhrström." Johannes never called him by his full name before. At least he couldn't recall it. His name sounded so weird coming from Johannes. His voice was so deep and silky- smooth- with no cracking in his tone. He said it so clearly, and it made Tim smile for a moment.
"I love you, Johannes Eckerström." He kissed Johannes' cold mouth and closed his eyes. They stayed like that for a while before they needed an air break. Tim rested his head on Johannes' shoulder. The tire was starting to get to him at this point. His eyes gained a darkness to them. He stood and looked down at Johannes. "Can you sleep in my bed tonight? I don't think I want to be alone."
"Of course, Tim." He stood with him, and laid down in the comfortable bed. They both looked up at the white ceiling, and fell asleep together for the first time. Their heartbeats were in sync with each other the entire night, but neither had noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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