Chapter 1: The Dust

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In an enigmatic realm, a bright light shines. It is the glowing skin of an unknown person, seemingly a princess drifting freely in the void. The complete darkness concealed the truth – an illusion. Her silky cream dress billowed around her like a soft cloud. It is as if she is in the presence of water. An unconscious mind awoke, and the lightless place embraced her eyes. A shocked expression formed on her face. 

Where am I?

The princess is suspended in an unending abyss. She attempted to speak her mind, but the gravity of her situation left her speechless. She felt powerless as fear crept in. Her body froze from the disorienting sight. 

What is this place?

Why can't I move?

The thought of being held by the oppressive darkness is unbearable, especially to the princess. Out of all the sources of fear, the state of nothingness is what she hates the most. She tried to wrestle against the chains of immobility, however, she was defeated by the strong grip of intangible restraints. Being unable to vocalize her thoughts is another thing to worry about. Unaware of what she would do in this puzzling situation, she stopped trying, not because she gave up, but rather because she wanted to think.


What would my father do?

What would the great king do?

In the boundless shadows, the princess found herself asking what the wise king would do in this situation. She realized that her body, hair, and her dress glide in harmony. But despite the freedom, she has no control over her existence. As tendrils of fear crawl through her thoughts, a continuous flow of uncertainties enters her mind, and not one is answered. 

What would Father do in this ethereal confinement?

She closed her eyes, hoping for an answer. Suddenly, a disembodied whisper, barely audible echoed into the void. The haunting intonation released a sensation of terror. The princess opened her eyes in response. Chill ran down her spine. Her movement is limited, but she used this ability to tilt her head from left to right to check who it may be. However, there were no signs of another being. 



Her heartbeat raised in an instant. The whisper was like a cold wind that ran through her body. 

How does he know my name?

A series of questions that can't be answered flustered her mind. The whisper is relentlessly increasing its volume, reaching a point where the princess cannot tolerate the agonizing sound. She wanted to cover her ears, but her inability to do so made her shed a tear. Desperation gushed within her as she attempted to shield herself, but her immobile state said otherwise.


Silence entered the room as an ominous red light sparks distant from Amori. Her eyes fluttered in uncertainty, making sure that the luminous crimson she was perceiving in the heart of the shadows was real. Suddenly, the radiating light exploded into a blinding brightness. A searing gleam drove her forcibly to scream, yet her physical form remained trapped in the hands of restriction. 

"Princess Amori." 

Princess Amori jolted awake. Her eyes filled with fear and her body drenched in sweat. A moment of realization hit her as soon as her eyes cascade back to reality. The familiar scenery released a sensation of relief. The view of being back in the hues of her chamber made her sigh deeply. Her awakening marked a hushed exhalation.  She found herself caught in reality as her eyes shifted to the huge mirror beside her bed. She saw a reflection of a princess carrying the unsettling weight of her reverie that manifested the throbbing rise and fall of her chest.

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