2:12 Kai Parker Screwed Us

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Kai Parker Screwed Us
Part 1

Kai Parker Screwed UsPart 1————

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Landon nodded before looking down at the piece of paper and reading it. " 'Landon's patient, trusting, kind, and a thousand other things I never was or possibly could be.' " Landon started. " 'So, if all I ever have is the memory of the way he cared for me, then I will survive being forgotten without becoming the full Tribrid hopefully.' " Landon finished reading.

Hope looked up at Landon and saw his smile. "Yours was a lot less sweeter then mine." Hope explained, joking slightly.

Landon laughed. "Oh really?" He questioned.

Hope nodded. "Mine was more loving than yours." Hope jokingly flicked her hair and walked over to the table that had the books on it, Landon followed. "Alright, let try and figure out a way to get them back." Hope then got serious as both of them started looking through books.


"You lied to me?" Lizzie commented, confused and angry. Since Alaric didn't answer, Lizzie continued. "You told me that Sebastian chose to leave the school." Lizzie explained.

Alaric turned around, a glass of bourbon in his hand. "I said he made his choice. He refused to respect our rules." Alaric explained to his agitated daughter, taking a sip of the bourbon.

"So you sent him here?" Lizzie countered.

Sebastian then cut in. "He had help. There was a witch who did the spell." You, Lizzie and Josie looked behind to look Sebastian who was sitting on the lounge chair. "Dark hair, kind eyes. Amazing accent." Sebastian described.

Realisation struck your features as you realised who he was talking about. "Emma." You stated, the three of you looking at Alaric.

Lizzie glared at her father, not wanting to believe he would do this but being int he prison world with Sebastian says otherwise. "How could you, Dad?" Lizzie scolded her father.

Alaric wasn't fazed by her daughters reaction. "You can yell at me after we arm ourselves." Alaric commented, placing the glass of bourbon down and walking away.

Josie watched her father walk off. "Dad, why do we need weapons so bad?" Josie questioned.

Alaric came to a stop and turned around, looking at you three. "All you need to know is that we're in danger, and we need to find a way out now." Alaric went to walk off again but Sebastian vamped to be in front of him.

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