{Chapter One-Well Thats One Way To Meet Someone}

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Nightmare stirred awake, she slowly opened her eye socket before sighing and getting up, she walked over to her bathroom, her tentacles dragging against the floor as she walked. Once she made it into her bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed before getting her toothbrush and beginning to brush her teeth. She spent an additional 2 minutes picking and small things like cracks and chips or too much goop on one side of her face that literally no one but her would notice(PLEASE TELL ME I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES THIS-).

When she walked out of the bathroom she went to her closet and pulled out her usual clothes, a black jacket with a black turtleneck along with black shorts, socks, and slippers. Basically a lot of black, but she can't help it if her goop gets all over her clothes! She put them on and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Once she got there she stood for a bit, deciding what to make before deciding on eggs, refried beans, fries, and a tortilla(I ATE THAT THIS MORNING AND IT WAS *chefs kiss* DELICIOUS).

After making enough for six people, Nightmare took out five plates and began putting the food on them, putting a little extra on one "BOYS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" she yelled, all of a sudden a cheer was heard along with a crash and some fighting about who would get down first.

Suddenly Horror was in front of Nightmare, looking hungry and happy. Nightmare turned around and grabbed Horrors plate, handing it to him "Thank!" Horror exclaimed as Nightmare smiled softly before turning around and grabbing the rest of the plates, putting them on the table. Eventually the others got there, what seemed to be happening was Killer and Dust were fighting while Cross got dragged into it.

Nightmare cleared her throat causing the three to look at her. She raised a bone brow and had a questioning look on her face, she had her arms CROSSed over her chest and all in all, she looked like a mother waiting for an explanation. The others causing looked away shamefully and Nightmare sighed "Come on, lets eat breakfast" the others happily followed her. Once they got to the table they saw Horror, who was sweating and drooling while staring at the food.

"Horror? Is something wrong?" Nightmare asked, concerned "Is there something wrong with the food?" she questioned "Wait..for you" Horror said while giving the most innocent look. Nightmare smiled softly "Thank you for waiting Horror, you may eat now" Horror wasted no time and began eating "Mom this is delicious!" Killer said after one bite.

"What did I say about calling me that?" Nightmare said, annoyed "Not to..." Killer said looking down slightly. Nightmare sighed "Fine.." she mumbled while blushing a bit, Killer smiled and continued eating, as did the rest of them.

Error panted as he struggled to even be on his hands and knees "DO NOT FAIL ME AGAIN" a loud voice boomed, Error didn't even bother looking up "NOW GO DO YOUR JOB!" the voice screeched, Error, despite bleeding at an alarming rate, got up and opened a portal.

By the time the portal was opened, the bleeding had somehow almost completely stopped. He opened the codes of the universe 'Fluffytale?' he thought to himself, he would usually consider not destroying the AU if it was cute, but he couldn't get in more trouble, plus, he's never been in this AU, so no regrets?

After breakfast and whatnot Nightmare decided to go out, she left Cross in charge and left to Fluffytale, where her best friend was. She walked around a bit before finally reaching a Café. She walked inside causing a bell to ring and Ccinco turned around "Nightmare! Good to see you again!" Ccinco exclaimed, obviously happy "Yeah yeah, now wheres my coffee?" Nightmare said as Ccinco laughed a little "I got it dont worry moon" Ccinco then went somewhere to grab the coffee as Nightmare sat down on the bar stool.

When Ccinco came back he was holding two coffee cups, he passed one to Nightmare. She took it and thanked him, beginning to drink out of it. After a while Ccinco seemed deep in thought "Whats wrong?" Nightmare asked "Just wondering how you're the only female sans in this entire multiverse" Ccinco replied, Nightmare didn't seem too shocked but still was taken aback a little "Well I-" Nightmare was cut off by screaming, they both looked outside from the window and were shocked to see strings attacking people.

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